7. Candy

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Addie's POV

Her eyes were bugging out of her head almost as bad as one of the squeeze toys. I would've taken a second to laugh at her bewitched face as she began stumbling backwards, but my super awesome best friend powers kicked in. Something Josh had been helping me work out.

Warrior. Protector. Badass princess conqueror.

Of the wor- Universe.

Self, focus, we need to save Care bear.

"Go Carri, run!" I lightly shoved her and glanced behind me. He had caught her scent, I could hear them by the entrance trying to find her. It definitely helped that I had dragged her across the entire store while we were here.

"W-where do I go?" She was already backing up from our cart, and I could hear her heartbeat accelerating. I smiled softly at her and linked our eyes together. I knew she would calm down once she locked her eyes in mine.

I had picked up a thing or two when I was at the Coven.

I tossed the keys to her retreating figure and motioned her again. "I'll link with Josh and have him pick me up, just go!" With that she spun and took off, running shakily on her feet as she tried to avoid the entrance we came in. I sighed and knew she wouldn't make it out, and that's where Addison the great steps in.

I walked up to a boy, no older than 16, standing nervously in between isles. I smiled softly at him, waiting for him to look at me eyes. My smile grew when I felt him calm down. I pulled out twenty bucks and slid it into his hand.

"Look, there's going to be a guy coming through here kind of urgently in a few minutes after that girl who just ran past you. If you could be so kind as to prevent him from getting to that door over there-" I paused for a second to turn and point to the door Carri was running too just in time to see her trip over her feet and hit the ground. I simultaneously face palmed, gasped and laughed before turning back to my friend. From the corner of my eye, I see 3 guys round the corner. One heading towards the checkout, one running into the aisle and one gentleman in the middle heading straight towards Carri who just managed to pick herself up off the floor.

Oh Moon Goddess, don't let me down now. I looked back at the shaky teen in front of me. "You got it bud?" He measily nodded and I sprinted back to my checkout, but not before I helped the cutest old lady pick the type of brownie brittle she wanted while taking up the entire isle and watching Carri slip through the double doors. A sigh escaped my lips and I could feel the atmosphere around me almost relax.

I love that girl.

I look up behind me and see a very grumpy looking guy glaring right through my soul.

Well hello to you too buddy.

"I know what you did to help her, and I sure hope you won't have to regret it." He shoved past me and started sprinting towards the door. I rolled my eyes and popped the hip before turning back to Grandma.

"Dudes." I grumbled, only to have her nod and hold up her fist. I smiled and clocked knuckles with the coolest elder in history before turning just in time to watch our new little buddy go head over heels into the candy display. I cracked up laughing and turned to thumbs up the employee of the month. A small child collapsed to his knees while screaming "Not my candy" at our new friend. It was even more amusing to watch the kids hook his leg and proceed to bite.

Oh Moon Goddess, you never disappoint.

He shook the kid off and sprinted out the door after my Carri. Let's just hope she was out of here.

***How'd you guys like having it in Addie's pov??***

Carri POV

I hated running. The breathing and the moving legs and the ground and moving, just, ugh. I should've hopped on one of the electric scooters when I had the chance.

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