Friday, September 22

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Are you going to write about ya know?" Jackie whispered as she leaned across the aisle way.

"Yeah I think so.  I mean what else would I write about it was such a huge thing in my childhood." I shrugged lifting my head and placing my arm over my notebook.  "What about you?"

She dropped her notebook on my desk.  "My grandparents were in a car accident when I was younger and passed away.  I don't remember a lot but enough I think."

"I'm sorry." I said sympathetically.

"No big deal, like I said I was real young." She said as I handed her notebook back.

We went back to working as Mrs. Chilson crouched next to the person sitting in front of me.  That meant that I would be next.  I was hoping I wouldn't have to say much.  Maybe just hand her my notebook let her read it and then talk about it later or something.  I fidgeted with the edge of my notebook, once again having second thoughts on whether I should even let her read it.  I exhaled sharply as I watched Mrs. Chilson stand up and turn around.  She knelt down beside my desk, holding her hand out for my notebook.  I reluctantly handed over, glancing at Jackie for reassurance.  She smiled, mouthing 'its fine', before turning her attention back to her notebook.  I stared at my hands which were folded in my lap as I waited for Mrs. Chilson to finish reading.  My heart rate had increased, causing my hands to sweat slightly.

"This is excellent so far Maci."  She finally said, handing the notebook back over.  "Do you have any questions?"

I shook my head no, placing my arm back over my notebook.  I was almost one hundred percent sure someone would try and snatch it away from me.  I felt like an inmate guarding their food with their life.  The only reason for my new found paranoia was because of the topic. 

"Okay well keep going, I'm interested to read the rest." Mrs. Chilson gave me a warm smile before stepping to the desk behind me. 

I sighed in relief, well I guess there was no going back now. 
Levi met me outside the classroom earlier then usual.  I walked through the door chatting between Jackie and Skylar completely obviously to Levi and Greg standing off to the side.

"I'm excited to see you play." I said over my shoulder as I walked out into the busy hallway.

I glanced at Skylar who had stopped looking and was staring to the left of me.  I wrinkled my forehead in confusion, looking at Jackie who was standing alongside Skylar.  She once again nodded in the same direction, signaling me to look.  I turned around seeing Levi staring down Skylar, and Skylar staring right back. 

"Hi Levi." I grumbled, walking the few steps to Skylar's side.  "Thanks for the directions and I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah." He said, his eyes never leaving Levi's as he walked off.

I shook my head, stomping my way towards Levi.  "Is that really necessary?"

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders, his mood instantly changing.

"I'm allowed to have friends." I stated, as Jackie, Greg, Levi and I walked off.

"I know."  He mumbled, dropping his eyes to the ground as he walked.  "I just get a weird vibe about him."

I let a heavy sigh leave my lips as we neared the door to my next class. "It's okay.  I love you Levi and I know you're just doing what you think is best."

I stood on my toes and kissed him on the cheek before waving bye to Jackie as she slipped into a classroom across the hall.  "I love you too Maci."



"Dude really what's up with you and your sister?" Greg asked as we walked down the hallway to our second period after we left Maci at her class.

Surviving CancerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon