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4 years later

"Aunty Eb! Arik won't leave me alone!" Ebony and Kenna smiled and turned as Blair ran into the room. She skidded to a stop and stared at Kenna. "Oooh Kenna, you look pretty!"

Kenna smiled and bent to pick up the four year old red head. "What's he doing now?"

"He keeps poking me!"

Ebony chuckled. "Just like his mother." She caught Arik as he ran in, scooping him up against her chest and laughing at his squeal. Kat and Marci ran in, each taking a child.

"It never ends." Marci murmured. "Steve! Come get your nephew!"

Steve poked his head in the room and smiled briefly at Kenna before taking Arik. "C'mon, kid. You can help me find Bucky."

"Which Bucky?" Arik shouted.

"Both of them." Kat sighed as Blair ran after them.

Marci rolled her eyes. "I swear to god if he lost my son, again. Kenna, you look incredible, I'm so proud of you. Excuse me, I have to beat up two grown men." She left, running after Steve and the children.

Ebony turned to Kenna and grinned as she blushed and fidgeted nervously. Ebony hugged her.

"You're beautiful. He won't be able to take his eyes off you."

"Thanks, Mom."

"And congrats, on winning the world record for longest engagement ever."

Kenna laughed, biting her lip as she stepped down from the dressing dias. "Thanks, Mom." She grinned.

The door opened again and they all stepped aside, waiting for the reaction as Loki stepped in the room. Kenna turned slowly and smiled as he stared at her. Kat shoved him lightly.

"You've got something in your eye, old man."

He smirked and wiped his eyes. "I'm not gonna cry. I said I wouldn't. Gods, look at you." Kenna rolled her eyes.

"Mom said you'd cry."

"Oh fine." He dug in his pocket for a gold coin. "She wins." Ebony snatched it and grinned. Ignoring her, Loki opened his arms to Kenna. "My little girl. Come here." She hugged him tightly, laughing into his chest.

"You're so soft now."

"Shut up and let me enjoy this." He mumbled. "Ready?" She nodded and wrapped her hand around his arm. The girls rushed to join the audience in the throne room. Loki kissed Kenna's forehead. "Alright. Come on."

Her free hand gripped the amulet that sat under her dress. She closed her eyes briefly, thinking of a moment just a few hours ago.

"Hey, Merek."

She slid down against the bark of Yggdrasil and sat on one of the branches.

"So... I should tell you. Rowan and I are getting married in a few hours." She rested her head back and puffed her cheeks out. "Wish you could be there." She smiled. "Daddy might have argued to get you to walk me down the aisle though." She shifted. "You said um... you said that if I ever got married and moved you'd... you'd come with me."

A shift in the air told her Merek was listening. She smiled wanly. "Guess you are coming, technically. You're everywhere now, right? So that...that works.Wonder what the seasons are like for you." She looked around. It was springtime here and on Jotunheim. "It's nice on Jotunheim."

The Bifrost opened and Ebony stepped down. She waved to Kenna. "Time to go!"

Kenna pushed off the bark and jumped to the ground. She put a hand to Yggdrasil's trunk. She looked down, smiling at the purple wildflower poking up for her. "Just the finishing touch I needed." She plucked the flower and tucked it in her hair. There was always one when she came to see him. "Wish me luck." She whispered, feeling nervousness begin to coil in her gut.

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