Chapter 28

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Kenna laid on the couch in Loki's office, keeping her eyes closed as her father searched her mind. He had said that the effects of the secret and the poisoning of the Jotun's touch could become more powerful on Jotunheim. So she sat quietly, feeling her mind relax as he practically cooled her thoughts and shifted some aside.

He patted her shoulder finally and stepped back. A pair of warmer hands cupped her cheeks and she opened her eyes to see Rowan leaning over her. She smiled slightly and sat up. "I'm alright." She murmured. "Just a little dizzy."

Loki nodded. "Just rest for the day. We leave in the morning."

"I want to come."

They turned to find Garik standing in the doorway. Loki shook his head. "We don't know what to expect, Garik. Besides, we're not going there to fight."

"I want to come!"

"It's too dangerous."

"You're letting Kenna go with you!"

"This is her job. I'm only going to advise her."

"But...but..." He looked around frantically, trying to find an argument. Kenna stood slowly and went to him.

"Garik, I'm sorry. Once we have things straightened out, I'll take you. Just you and me? And we can go to Muspelheim."

"It's not fair! You and Daddy do everything! You leave Mom and me home. You have all the fun."

Loki stepped towards him. "Now, Garik, listen. This isn't for fun, it's dangerous. You're still young. We just don't want to put you in harm's way."

"Kenna was in loads of danger! She got to fight when she was little."

"It couldn't have been avoided."

"No, you just love Kenna more! She's your favorite. You don't ever want to go somewhere with me. I can fight back. I wanna fight too." His voice grew progressively softer as he spoke. He backed out of the room.

Loki rushed towards him. "Garik." The door slammed as Garik ran off. Loki threw it open and went after him. "Garik!"

He found the boy with Ebony. She sat on her bed and hugged him, telling him quietly that his father was simply worried and stressed lately.

"He doesn't mean to ignore you." She said quietly.

"He doesn't even know! He hasn't asked. He never does."

"You haven't told him."

Loki leaned against the door, listening quietly.

"Can you tell him for me?"

"Why don't you?"

"I'm scared. What if he says no? He doesn't like all the fighting. Is he gonna keep Uncle Thor and Volstagg from taking me for my first hunt?"

Was it time already? Loki leaned his head against the door, closing his eyes with a sigh. It was his responsibility but he had been so wrapped up in all that was happening, so worried about Kenna, and now even Volstagg had stepped in to take his place for Garik. His gut twisted at the thought. He thought he was managing it, trying to be a good father to the both of them. But yet again, he'd failed somewhere and someone else had to clean it up.

"No, I won't let him." Ebony said. "He doesn't have any reason. He's trying to protect you, Garik. This isn't about growing up and learning to fight. We're trying to stop a war."

"But I can still help! I hate this! We have to stay home and wait and what if they come when Kenna's home?"

"Then I'll fight. And Thor and Volstagg."

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