Chapter 26

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Kenna woke to the sound of yelling and feet pounding down corridors. Her door was wrenched open just as she jumped out of bed. Ebony stood in the doorway, holding her two year old son on her hip. "Kenna, hurry. The Jotuns have an army on the way. Your father wants you." Kenna grabbed some clothes and waved her hand, dressed in an instant. She pulled the small weapons chest from under her bed and the ones she needed immediately latched onto their respective places on her body. She slammed the chest closed and ran to her mother.

Taking Ebony's hands she looked up at her calmly. "Where are you going?"

"To the main safe room. If anyone needs me, they know how to call."

Kenna nodded and hugged her quickly. She kissed her brother's forehead. She sprinted down the hall, raising a hand in acknowledgment of Ebony's shouted command to be careful. Merek met her in the hall and grabbed her, running alongside.

"They made no attempt to hide their intent." He said. "They're main attack is aimed on the palace and the family. Heimdall has seen a smaller group prepared to go for the Casket. You and Loki are to lead the guard against that. I will be with you. Thor and Odin will take on the main armies."

Kenna stopped him, eyes wide. "Is Daddy able to fight? He can barely take me on in training!" Loki had been wounded in an earlier attack a week ago.

"He's doing what he can."

She sighed and nodded. They took a passage through the throne room to the treasure chambers. Loki stood dead center, his hands pointed palms out towards the main door. They ran in through the side door just as a column of ice shot from his hands. He froze the main door closed. Kenna took the two side doors. Loki favored one leg as he moved. He took his stance in front of their small battalion of guards. They surrounded the Casket, hearts pounding as the sounds of battle came progressively closer. The Destroyer's prison loomed open, empty of its inhabitant. She heard the roaring of its fires outside.

The ice on a side door cracked. Most of the eyes in the room shot in its direction. The main door boomed and the ice splintered. The second side door burst open. A guard advanced from behind Kenna, flanked by two others, investigating. There was no one there. Kenna closed her eyes and searched the energy around them, catching the attackers by the main door. She called out orders for the attention to be focused that way. The door split open and the Jotuns burst in, ice springing from their hands.

Loki and Kenna teamed up, their return attack synchronized perfectly. They stepped to the beat of a drum only they heard. It pulsed in the breaths and hearts of their enemies, their drum of war, of confidence. Kenna checked her father, making sure he was holding up. He was in immense amounts of pain and stumbled often. He grunted as they completed a twisting motion, throwing a line of attackers to either side. Kenna jumped forward and caught him, wincing as a searing pain went through her side. She checked it. It was only a scratch. The ice that coated Jotun weapons was bound by a spreading enchantment. It raced into the bloodstream and straight for the heart or lungs. Kenna absorbed it and turned to her father.

He leaned heavily on her, clutching his side. "I'm fine." He rasped.

A shout made them both turn, watching as the Jotuns ran straight past the Casket. Loki looked at Kenna, his expression of confusion mirroring hers. He spun her away from him as a Giant struck out. Kenna stumbled back and flicked her wrist. A small knife shot from her sleeve and embedded itself in the Giant's side. The man hesitated, wincing in pain. Loki swung and struck out, knocking him down. He stumbled forward, shouting and clutching his side. His skin faded into blue and the marks on his body became apparent as he lost control of his Aesir self.

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