where am I?

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I slowly start to open my eyes,  ouch I have a really bad headache and, I have no idea where I am, the last thing I remember is well tripping falling and Here I am. I fully open my eyes now and I'm looking around, I'm in a cave sort of thing it's about an 8 by 8 space, and there's a fire it looks to be kept pretty well, someone must have brought me here, but who. the person I bought the mansion from didn't tell me about anybody living in the woods, well whatever. I start getting up and my head starts to hurt even worse, as I get up everything around me starts to go blurry. I walked towards the entrance of the cave, I look out of the cave and see someone, walking towards me. but everything goes really blurry, I see the person start to run towards me as I fall, then everything goes black I feel my head hit the cave floor, great now hurts even worse, well, good night.


sorry everybody this chapter took really long to make for some reason but I'm hoping to get back on track and make them more frequently. and please leave a comment. and vote.

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