Chapter 1

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AN: hiii i used to be @holbycityzollie but then i forgot my password💁🏼🌟 so now im still me💁🏼🙃

"I love you..." The voice of Oliver valentine radiated around the room and penetrated Zosias brain.
"You really think you mean that much to me?" She asked him, hurt flashed across his eyes as he frowned and looked to the floor,
"Look, I know I have not been very clear..." Before he could finish his sentence Zosia's  lips crashed into his own and passion over came them, then Zosia pulled away
"You know I would never leave you," she whispered in his ear "I just love you too much,"
AN: bit of a short introductory chapter here!! If you have any ideas or anything you want to happen leave a comment & I'll get back to you!!🌟💗

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