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Instantly, TIE fighters were trailing her as she quickly drove the starship out of the bay. Only three of them followed her as she burst through the atmosphere, but that was enough to be a problem: she was without a co-pilot and without any form of defence. The only thing guiding her across the foreign controls of the ship was the force that flowed through her like blood.

Hovering just above the planet, a giant grey beast of a ship drifted menacingly. The other looming star ships moved around it like bees around a nest. Clearly, this was the mother bee as it dwarfed the other ships in its size that reflected that of a city. It was the shape of an arrowhead, a giant metallic arrowhead. Aya had seen ships similar to this years ago. Back then they were called Star Destroyers.

Her heart hammered in her chest but she herself felt incredibly calm as she steered the ship straight towards the newly-built Star Destroyer. Shots whizzed past her window as she wove throughout space. She moved in fast, risky turns that threw them off every now and then, however the TIEs were much smaller than her so they recovered more quickly.

Raising the defence shields, she sped towards the Star Destroyer that had not yet noticed her ship. However, as she got closer the destroyer itself sent shots towards her adding more stress to her situation. Sweat dripped from her brow as she silently wished her plan would work.

One of the TIE fighters was getting dangerously close to her tail so she jerked suddenly to the left, following one of the sharp edges of the Star Destroyer. The manoeuvre was dangerous and she felt the ship scrape along the surface of the Destroyer slightly in the sharp turn. The TIE had not anticipated her move and had attempted to follow. But it was milliseconds late for making the turn safely and rammed straight into the Destroyer promptly exploding into smithereens.

Shrapnel flew into the back of the ship and she felt it shudder, but the ship didn't slow. The two remaining TIEs were getting much closer to her and she was struggling to avoid the shots being sent her way. On the screen to her right she noticed that they were descending on her from either side.

Pushing the poor little starship to its limit, she sped over the edge of the Star Destroyer, right at its tip, and flipped it over so that she flew underneath the destroyer, hanging upside down. Behind her, a second TIE crashed into the edge of the large ship breaking off a wing and spiralling into space.

Distracted by the commotion behind her, she didn't notice a large gun on the underside of the Destroyer point towards her and shoot the ship in its side. The whole vessel shuddered with a bang as she was hit, almost throwing her off its chair. Numerous parts of the ship started beeping in a panic, something had broken.

Aya composed herself and began switching off the correct parts of the ship, preventing further damage. With the sharp motion of the ship she heard a loud gasp as Poe awoke beside her. He pulled himself bolt upright, jerking his body forwards. Aya didn't notice this however as she was too busy avoiding the final TIE.

The ship had lost some speed letting the TIE get worryingly close behind them. "What's going on?" Poe exclaimed with a look of panic.

"Just got a bit caught up, nothing too big." Aya responded calmly whilst flicking a few switches. The ship dropped downwards, this sudden movement caused them both to be pulled roughly.

"Nothing too big!" Poe gripped the side of the dashboard to stabilise himself. "That is a Star Destroyer. Why are we flying on the underside of a Star destroyer?"

"Nicely observed Poe, but I really need you to remember the coordinates for that rebel base of yours." She said somewhat sarcastically before swerving the ship to the left to avoid another shot.

Poe nodded, grimacing in pain, before typing in the coordinates that he had memorised, he then started flicking buttons preparing the starship for the jump into hyperspace. Suddenly, the shots from the TIE stopped. Bemused, she watched as the TIE slowed before turning around as if nothing had happened. She held back a smirk, Ren must have taken heed of her proposal after all.

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