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Celestine sat there shocked

She could be sent to Azkaban for this! Even if it was just a mountain troll that had been killed! Okay calm down... At least I know what happened now. And even she said that it wasn't really her that said it, someone was in her head, they could've been controlling her for all I knew. I better get going.

Celestine left the safety of the strange room that she had been in. When she heard pounding footsteps, someone was running. She felt Silvie shove her, and they were inside of the hidden tunnel once again.

" What was that for?!" Celestine questioned, squeaking angrily.

" Shh..." Silvie counteracted. " Peeves, is chasing those three friends of yours, keeps threatening that he is going to get them all into detention for years. Snape is with him right now, they are on the third corridor. The one that we are restricted from."

" What're they doing out here?" Celestine asked.

" I do not know, but I think Snape and Peeves are leaving, let's go and follow them, make sure that they don't get into trouble, that would be the worst thing that could happen." They slowly plodded down the halls, Silvie using a charm that could make her see everything in the next corridor that they would turn to, so that they wouldn't get caught. " Right we are going to run. Silently. And act like we were running away from someone then we will walk in and act like we were hiding too. If you are scared about our alibi for later then I will feed it into you through owl, for tonight you can just say that you are tired and want to go to bed. Ok?"

" Ok." They ran down the hall, going as fast as they could without making any noise.

" Alohomora." Silvie whispered. They ripped the door open, a shocked Hermione, Harry, Ron and Neville stood there. " What are you guys doing here?"

" We should be leaving. NOW." Celestine was standing dazed to the spot, " greek mythology much? There is a bloody Cerberus in front of us!" At that hermione hurriedly opened the door, Celestine was the last to leave locking the door behind herself. The five Gryffindors and one slytherin ran past the halls coming to a halt, in front of the Fat lady. It was exactly one o'clock. the fat lady stood in the frame, " Hey madame. Pig snout, please."

" In you come."

Celestine waited whilst the rest entered, left alone with her sister. " I still remember. And you had better keep it a secret."

" You really think that I am that ludicrous enough as to do that?"

" You know what I mean. And make sure the bloody baron doesn't see you, he's always watching these halls." Silvie gave Celestine a calculating look.

" Goodbye, Celestine."

" See ya in the morning." With that she entered the portrait, met with Harry, Ron and Neville's shocked faces. " Where's Hermione?"

" Got all bossy, an' went upstairs." Ron said. Celestine didn't even bother with the daggers look, as Neville already gave him one. She traipsed back up the stairs, silently peeking through her door. One of Hermione's curtains were drawn shut, cutting her off from the rest of the room, the only side that was visible was the one which Celestine would have been able to see through. Celestine took off her dressing gown and sat on the edge of her bed.

" Hey." She tried to make small talk, it worked.

" Hi."

" Are you alright?"

" Yeah, just thinking. I saw a trap door. The Cerberus must be guarding something."

" You mean the wooden thingy underneath its paw?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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