Chapter 11

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Tori's PoV

Two months after that, I was nervous. We had our first group session today. We would've had it sooner, but the therapists wanted to get to know us better. Dr. Styles didn't have much luck with me. It made him aggravated.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my heartbeat. It was just Liam and I in the room. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to be here.

As I was thinking to myself, more people walked into the room. Drs. Horan and Styles, then that stupid little girl Joelle, then three guys I had seen around. I hadn't bothered to learn their names.

Drs. Styles and Horan took their seat in front of the row of chairs that were lined up. Dr. Styles told me I could call him Harry, to feel more comfortable around him. So Harry looked at me, smirking.

"Hello everyone." He said.

"What's up ya shower of cunts?" I asked. He rolled his eyes at me.

"I like her." I heard Dr. Horan say. I smirked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam glaring at me. I shrugged.

"So, Dr. Horan-"

"You can call me Niall."

"Anyways, Niall and I thought it'd be interesting to get you all together to talk about what brought you here."

"I'd've thought it rather obvious. We all tried to off ourselves and now we're here." Said a boy at the opposite end. He had shaggy straight, medium brown hair (similar to Liam's). I could see he had sea green eyes, a perfect mixture of green and blue. He was slightly tan, like me.

"Nice smartass answer. I like you." I called out to him. He smiled, giving me a thumbs-up.

"Anyway, Louis would you like to start out? Introduce yourself and tell why you're here." Niall said.

"Well, I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm quite a smartass. I'm here because I tried to kill myself because I'm tired of everyone calling me gay and telling me to go rape guys." He looked down at his hands, suddenly becoming fascinated by his hands.

"Well, I'm Zayn Malik. I tried to kill myself because I'm criticized for my religion." A dark skinned, dark haird boy said.

"I'm Josh Devine and I'm here because I don't have anyone." A muscular, brown haired guy said.

I'm Joelle Porter. I'm here because I hate my life."

"I'm Liam Payne and I'm here because I survived the car crash that killed my girlfriend almost a year ago."

I felt a lump in my throat. I couldn't look at anyone of them. They all had reasons to kill theirselves and they did it intentionally. Mine was becuase I was a coward and my subconcious did it.

I looked down at the ground, looking at the carpet pattern. It was very nice. Red swirls in blue squares.

"Um, Tori? You're up." Liam whispered in my ear. I looked up from the floor, squirming slightly in my chair.

I wanted to run. I needed to run. I needed to go out into the fresh air, with a book and a bottle of water. I needed to run and grab my blade to run across my skin. I needed to feel the cool metal slice my delicate and scarred wrists, releasing the warm sticky liquid that fills my dreams.

Taking a deep breath, I looked into Liam's eyes. I pleaded for him to rescue me. But that plead would go unanswered.

"Um, I'm Tori Carter. I came here because I tried to kill myself because for my whole life I've been hurt. When I was seven I found my best friend dead, when I was thirteen my dad died. My mum became a druken bitch who hit me. Everyone hit me and made me feel bad about myself. I tried to kill myself for a very simple reason. I'm tired of feeling like I'm never good enough." I said. That was everything Harry told me to say.

Silence fell on us. Everyone stared at me, even Liam. I felt my pulse quicken, my breathing increased. I had never had a panic attack, but I was fairly sure I was having one at that moment. I felt as if I were drowning. Drowning, going farther and farther into a pool of deep water. Weights tied to my ankles and hands, dragging me down, preventing me from swimming. I couldn't take a breath. It hurt. Everywhere.

I got up quickly, then walked out of the room. I don't know where I was going. I had to get away from there. I had to get away. I heard Liam yelling at Joelle about something as I ran away as fast as I could.

Harry said I would feel better. But I was panicked. I couldn't deal with everyone staring at me. I couldn't deal with the memories it brought back.

Silently I walked into the classroom. Everyone said I should feel better about the whole situation. But I didn't, and I highly doubt I ever would. I felt everyone's eyes on me.

My older cousin, Sabby, could still be seen. I had to look out the big window, but she was still there. Her brown hair in a beanie, her blue eyes watching.

A girl, jet black hair and emerale green eyes, came up to me. She smiled softly.

"Hi, I'm Annabella."

Yes, that was the memory of how I met my second best friend. But it happened three weeks after Lexi's death. I couldn't handle the fact that I knew that it had something to do with Lexi.

I felt someone grab my upper arm, stopping me. I wanted to scream, kick, hit. All those ignorant little faces back when I was eight. All the people whispering.

"Tori, are you okay?" Liam asked me. I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Other than the fact that I saw that everyone was staring at me, just peachy. Why were you all staring at me?"

"I don't know about everyone else, but I was staring at you because you're absolutely breath taking." I blushed brightly.

"I didn't like that everyone was staring at me for that."

"Well let's give them something else to stare at you for." He said. I raised my eyebrow slightly. He just smirked before his lips connected with mine.

I melted into the kiss, his arms wrapped around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands went into my back pockets. His tongue flicked across my bottom lip, but I didn't let him in. He tried this three more times before giving up. Then he squeezed my bum, making me gasp. He took this as an adavantage and darted his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance. He won.

After five minutes, I pulled back. He smiled at me as I tried to regain my breath. That was absolutely the best kiss I've ever had.

Sorry for the suckish chapter. I wanted to get this updated because I'm going to be on vacation next week. And guess what? I CAN'T BRING MY LAPTOP SO NO UPDATES FOR HI!!!! Unless Isabella does one. *hint hint wink wink*

So they kissed, finally!!! Yay!!!

What should their ship name be?

Also, go check out the story My Prince by DirectiSwiftiElieber. it's really good and I'm in it!

Ten votes and five comments for the next chapter please


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