Hi (A Liam Payne Story)

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One word, one syllable, two letters. Such a simple acknowledgement. It can be given to people you don't know, people you are friends with, people that you love.

And this one word can start the best relationships you ever had. It can start the worst mistake in your life. It can start both at the exact same time.

It can be said affectionately. It can be said sarcastically. But it means something everytime. It means you're being acknowledged, and someone took the time from their life to mutter it to you.

It can be lifesaving to someone, if you say hi. If you just make the time to say it. To make their pressence known. It can make people feel happy when they're having a rough day. It can let people know they aren't useless and forgotten. It might not seem like that big of a deal. But trust me, someone out there will appreciate it.

This isn't your average love story. It's not the prince fell in love with a commoner. It isn't the bully fell in love with the girl he bullied. Or even that the new dork fell in love with the most popular person. No, it's none of those.

It's my story.

Liam just told me to type "our story". He's going to be writing things from time to time. He says so you all know how he's feeling.

So, it's our story. I hope Liam is happy with that.

I'm going to start off by telling you how I got to where I had to go. I warn you, it isn't a happy story. And I'm sorry for that.

Well, here goes nothing.

I hope you all like this introduction. My name is Ali, I'm one of the cowriters of this story. If you like this, I suggest voting and commenting. And just message me or Isabella if you ever need to talk.

Hi (A Liam Payne Story)Where stories live. Discover now