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Meant To Be

© Anna Hailings-Sharma 2013


"So you're his girlfriend now." He said softly as he closed my bedroom door. I gulped.

"Look, it's not like that..." I tried to explain but somewhere in between my voice faded as he started to walk towards me. His gaze predatory, his walk slow and lethal. He stopped a foot from me. I moved back out of instinct. His gaze narrowed.

"Do tell how it is?" he taunted, baiting me. Stupidly, I took it.

"He just said it. And everyone was there, what was I supposed to say?" I asked, slightly breathless.

"That you already have a boyfriend." He gritted.

"Right, like you said it to Melanie at the gala." It was out of my mouth before I could stop it. I fought the urge to cover my mouth with my hands. He smirked slightly.

"So my kitten is jealous." He took another step in my direction. I moved a step back.

"I'm not." Two steps.

"Oh yes, you so are." With that my back hit the wall. He caged me in his arms as I tried to move.

"I am not, now, let me go." I managed somehow, with a slight shake in my voice. He leaned forward until his mouth was on my ear. I shivered at the pleasant sensation.

"I told you, if you run, I'll catch you." He whispered as another shiver went through my body. He pulled back slightly to look me in the eye. "And even though I didn't say anything, I didn't let her call me her boyfriend." Flames were dancing in his eyes now.

"The way she was hanging all over you, it sure looked like it." I snapped back, feeling anger creeping back.

"It's not like I kissed her." He gritted. I snorted.

"Well, it's not like I asked him to kiss me." Too late, I thought, as my eyes grew wide. Now I did cover my mouth with my hand. His eyes widened slightly, then narrowed. I watched as the flames in his eyes turned into full blown fire, scorching me in shame.

"He kissed you?" he spat, his hand on my waist tightened. I cringed and tried to pull away.

"I.. uh, I... I-I didn't m-mean t-to." I stuttered. He practically molded my body to his.

"Oh really?" he said sarcastically. Then, he kissed me, hard. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away. A growl came from his throat as I ripped my lips from his. He started kissing my neck.

"W-what ar-are y-you doing?" came my shaky voice.

"Did he touch you here?" he asked as he pushed my shirt up, his hands gazing my stomach. I whimpered. He gently nibbled on my neck as his slowly started un-buttoning my shirt. I moaned at the heavenly sensation and arched against him. He growled in approval. "Did he make you feel like this?" he gritted as kissed me again. It was like I was doused my cold water. This was not how wanted this. I untangled my hands from his neck and pushed him away. "What happened? Do my hands repulse you now?" he growled as his hands continued their exploration.

"No!" I practically shouted as I gave him a hard push. It worked as he loosened his hold on me and his hands slipped out of my shirt. "No! Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice hoarse. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears.

"Didn't you like that?" he replied, being deliberately obtuse.

"Why?" I asked again as a few tears slipped down my cheeks.

"I know you have the hots for him." He gritted.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused as I wiped the corner of my eyes.

"I've seen the way you look at him. I'm not blind." He scowled.

"I-What?" I stuttered. "I don't like him!"I put my hands on his shoulders and shook him a little.

"Really? Then why do I always find him with you? I turn my back on you for one second and the next he's there, almost as if he's magically appeared right next to you!" he growled as he shook my hands of his shoulders.

"He's my friend! And he's not always there!" I tried again as I grasped his hand. "I do care for him, but only as a friend, not boyfriend!" I exclaimed in frustration as I ran my hands through my hair.

"I know you do." With that he started to pull away. I panicked, feeling hi slip away from me. Tears of frustration formed in my eyes.

"I-I love you, you-you idiot!" I finally sputtered. His head whipped back.

"What did you just say?" he whispered, as if he can't believe me. I took a deep breath.

"I said I love you." I whispered.

"Do you really mean it?" he whispered back as his hands cradled my face gently.

"I do. I love you so much." I barely finished my sentence as he snatched me back into his arms, kissing me hard. I matched his pace by putting my hands around his neck. He moaned as I plunged my hands into his hair.

"Say it again." He said in a hoarse voice as he kissed my neck.

"I love you." I whispered. All of a sudden I felt hands on my shirt, as he removed it. "What-what are you doing?" I whispered, then moaned when his hands touched my bare skin.

"I'm showing you who you belong to." He said, his voice predatory. I shivered but didn't protest. I felt cool air hit my skin as he removed my shirt and tossed it aside. Then he picked me up, bridal style, and carried me to my bed and gently laid me down. "You're so beautiful." He whispered in awe as his lips claimed mine in a gentle kiss. I grasped his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"So are you." I managed as I sat up and kissed his smooth, hard chest. His hands grasped my waist as he pulled me away and lay me back on the bed.

"No, this is all about you." He said softly as he kissed my hand. I melted at the love I saw in there. Then he kissed me gently and I knew that everything was going to be alright.

We were going to be alright.

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