She got quiet and sighed. “Why not? So you’re fine with it. That’s it…”

I felt myself starting to sweat. I sat down on the bed and scratched my head. Should I continue you this lie because right now it doesn’t sound like my answer was the right one.

“No…. I mean why would I be mad. You were just speaking on how you felt.” For some reason I felt like whatever the note said it had to do with how she felt about us. So I’m just gonna continue to roll with it.

“Yeah…I just thought you’d be a little bit more excited. At least I hoped you would be.”

I frowned and rubbed my head. Damnit! I have no clue what she’s talking about.

She sighed and said “I mean it is your child. I just thought you be a little more enthusiastic. So what is your response to what I said?”

My heart stopped. Wth! My child! My words were caught in my throat. Shocked was not how I felt. I was beyond it.

“Kevin, are you going to say something?”


“You didn’t even read it did you! You lied to me Kevin. I am so done with you! I can’t-“

I cut her off to explain myself “NO! Nika just wait a damn minute and listen to me okay? I spent damn near the whole day at work on my off day looking for this damn note and it was nowhere to be found. Now I looked for it because I miss you and want to talk to you and if that was the only way I could talk to you then I was gonna do it….. I miss us Nika. So to be honest no I did not read the note. I did not know we had a child on the way….” As the words left my mouth I felt numb. A child? I can’t believe this.

“I see……Kevin…..well all I said in the note was that we’ve had our ups and downs in this relationship. More so downs than ups lately. I’m not an idiot and I know you still mess around on me. But I never said anything and acted like I didn’t know because I loved you….and I thought you loved me too….But you continued to cheat on me. When I found out I was pregnant I made a promise that I will not deal with it anymore. I wanted you to make a decision, me and your child or your hoes. It’s as simple as that. I want a commitment Kevin. Is that so hard? I just want you to be faithful to me…..The letter didn’t say all of that, I added some things in but you get my point.” I heard her sniff and I knew she was crying. Damn…Damn….damn……I can’t believe this shit. She knew I was cheating? She wants commitment? I can’t deal with this right now. This is a lot to take in.

I sighed and said the only thing that would come out of my mouth “Nika, I don’t know what to say. I mean I care a lot about you….I just need some time to process all of this….”

I listened as she blew her nose and said “That’s fine Kev, I understand.”

Next thing I knew I heard the dial tone. Did she hang up?

I looked at my screen on my phone and sure enough the call had ended. What is her problem?

Wow…I’m going to be a father? I just can’t wrap my mind around that.

Damn I need some Hennessey to take my mind off of this.

I stood up and tossed my phone on the bed. Wait til I tell Sherice about this shit. She’s gonna freak out. Who would have thought that I would have children before my sister?


He pulled my chair out for me and waited for me to sit down. I smiled and mumbled thanks. He pushed my chair in and then walked to his seat and sat down. I noticed they were playing some old school songs and I was enjoying it. I don’t know how Dante got me to come out the house but he did. Maybe because he didn’t really give me an option.

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