Chapter 8

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I stayed sitting in the chair for about ten minutes before I realized that Eric was upstairs. I need to get back up there.

I jogged back up the stairs and made it back to my door. I was about to open it but I heard Dante come out of his room. His dress shirt was unbuttoned and he was walking to the bathroom. He must be about to take a shower. When he noticed me standing there, he winked and closed the bathroom door. Dear lord, it’s taking everything in me not to go into the bathroom…I took a deep breath and walked into my room. Eric was laying on the bed flipping through the channels. He smiled when I walked in. I cracked the door and plopped down on the bed.

“Hey Sherice, I hate to tell you this….don’t hate me…..but I have to leave tomorrow instead of Sunday. I forgot about a meeting I have with some of the guys Sunday morning.”

I frowned and immediately felt sadness wash over me. I looked at him and said “What? Are you serious Eric? You’re supposed to spend the weekend with me….I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow. That’s bull Eric.”

He crawled towards me and laid his head in my lap. “Babe, I know and I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’ve just been really busy. I have a big dinner to go to in about a month and I’ve got some other things going on too. It’s just been really stressful.”

I sighed and felt myself tearing up. So he just thinks I’ve been stress free over here? He thinks that I don’t miss him and spending time with him?

“Aw come on sweetie, don’t cry. I know you were looking forward to this weekend together and believe me I was too.” He sat up and wiped my cheek. I pulled away from him and stood up.

“Eric, we never spend any time together…I’m getting tired of this. It’s not fair because I miss you…I miss you a lot and I feel like you don’t feel the same way.”

For some reason I was feeling really emotional and the more I thought about him leaving me tomorrow, the harder it was for me to keep my tears in. I wasn’t balling, but the tears just kept sliding down my cheeks.

I looked at Eric and he was smiling. I was shocked. “You think this is a joke Eric? What the fuck are you laughing at?”

He sat up quickly and chuckled. “No baby, it’s not funny. I just think it’s cute that you miss me so much you’re crying. But I don’t mean it in a bad way...”

My emotions were booming. I went from sad to angry in 5 seconds. I flicked him off and walked out the room. Who in their right mind finds their fiancé’s tears humorous!

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch in the dark. Am I being a big baby? Am I wrong for being upset that Eric always has an excuse? Am I being childish right now?

I sat in silence and in my thoughts for about thirty minutes. The tears had finally stopped.

“Are you okay?”

I jumped back and allowed my eyes to focus on the figure in front of me. It had to be Dante because Eric wasn’t so built. That ass hole didn’t even come downstairs to check on me!

I sniffed and nodded just as Dante turned on a small lamp on the table. I shielded my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light. “Ooh I’m sorry, do you want me to turn it off?”

I chuckled and shook my head. He sat down on the couch next to me.

“I don’t mean to be nosey but as I was getting out the shower I heard you going off on your boy up there and heard you come downstairs. I figured you were a little upset. So I thought I’d come downstairs and check on you.”

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