Chapter 2

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Authors Note:
I'm sorry for not updating this for AGES! I'll will try my best to finish this! I'm planning on making the future chapters longer too! I also changed the cover and title becuase it was really annoying me and I didn't want to continue writing. I'm not planning on editing until the end so you will just have to make do.

"Wait up Georgie!" Katie called. Alisha Newton and Julia Baker were filming a scene.
"Leave me alone Katie!"
Both girls were acting our a scene on the way to school. Georgie had just found out Stephen was moving away.

"Alright stop there ladies," the director called. Alisha grabbed Julia's backpack for her and carried it over. It was a very heavy bag!

"Lovely acting Alisha!" Carson Pound called out. They had been great friends ever since Carson starting acting on the show.
"Thanks Carson," Alisha replied with.
They both wanted to stay friends behind the camera, even if the had to pretend to be more in front of the camera.


The first 9 episodes were finished! They now all had 3 weeks off!

"So, are you ready?" Graham asked Amber.
She replied with a cheeky 'yes' as they both got into Graham's car. Unfortunately he didn't get to drive 'Ty's truck' outside of Heartland filming.

They drove out of heartland, past the dude ranch and into the centre square of High River. They walked over to a little café in the corner. It has always been when of Ambers favourites. Ever since she began acting on Heartland she had a tradition of coming here for lunch every Friday. But Amber didn't know Graham was a fan of the café too.

"Do you come her often?" Amber asked Graham inquisitively.
"Well yeah, every Tuesday night!" He replied with.
"Really! I come here every Friday night?" Amber said.

The pair were both unaware of these other similarities they had behind camera, off set. They knew they were similar when they were Ty and Amy, but had never really explored their similarities as Amber and Graham. The pair sat down at a table at "authentic western", the café they both seemed to love.

The waiter arrived in his cowboy had, cowboy boots, checked shirt and jeans. He was going to take the order on a clipboard made of cowhide. It really was an authentic western restaurant. 

"What would you like?" The waiter, or should I say cowboy, asked.
"I'll grab the ranchman's special and could we grab a jug of water?" Graham asked.
"Of course partner, and you young lady?" The waiter asked again.
"Just the Shepard's pie thanks."

The waiter collected their menus and walked away.

"Let's hope your pie isn't as bad as the one Lou made on heartland'" Graham recalled.
"Yes! And remember what Mallory said?' Amber asked.
"Of tastes more like something the Shepard stepped in," Graham said trying to sound as much like Mallory as he could. Well Jessica Amlee anyway.

"What was that cowboy?", "Are you criticising my pie?' The waiter asked while pointing at the pie that was for Amber.
"Ummm no, only joking!" Graham grinned back with.

The waiter placed both their dishes on the table and walked off. Amber and Graham instantly started to crack up laughing. After the laughing fit was over they both dug into their meals.


"Thankyou!" Graham and Amber both said while walking out of the restaurant. They were both staying one more night at the hotel before heading back to their real homes the next day. They both lived in different places but both their flights were at 9:30AM so they were going to the airport together. Well that's what they had planned.

"Well let's get going!" Graham said while opening the car door for Amber to get in.
"Thankyou," Amber replied with. For a split second both their eyes were locked in one another. Amber turned away and got into the car. Graham just nodded and walked round to the other side.

Graham started up the engine and reversed from the car park, he turned around and waited at the intersection before turning right. He looked one way and turned onto the highway. It had been raining and the road was especially slippery.

Amber screamed and Graham tried to break. It didn't work. The impact that hit Graham was incredibly strong. The airbags expanded and they car spun around in donuts in the road. Both sets of eyes went black.

Authors Note:
Ok I know your all going to hate me for leaving such a cliff hanger, but you will have to be patient. I'll try to update soon. Sorry if I accident wrote Ty a couple of times instead of Graham, it's just really hard.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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