Chapter 1

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"And cut," The director called through the megaphone.
"Tomorrow we will be filming the 'fight scene'." Another directed called.

The Heartland crew and cast were in the rustic, western Heartland barn. 'Stormy' the horse who played Spartan whinnied in the background while rain pattered down on the roof. It was a very eery scene they had just filmed as Amy was trying to nurture a very crazy, client horse. Burnie, the horse Amy was treating had a very strange nature. I guess you could say he was very interesting.

Amber Marshall walked over to Stormy and stroked his forehead. You could tell they had a great relationship, their bond was amazing.
"What's your problem?" Amber asked as she was stroking Stormy's head.
Stormy replied with another loud whinny while throwing his head up.

"Come on Amber, we better get going," Graham Wardle reminded Amber. Graham was taking her home since they were staying at the same hotel and Ambers truck had broken down.
"Yeah I guess." Amber replied sadly, "See you tomorrow Stormy."

They headed over to the Heartland house and grabbed their bags. It was 9:00pm and they had to get some sleep, they had an early start tomorrow. They hopped into Graham's truck and headed down the driveway. The familiar sight of the Heartland sign reminded them both if how lucky they were. To have such an amazing job surrounded by such amazing people.

"So I was thinking...since tomorrow is our last day of filming for a few weeks," Graham asked nervously.
"Do you wanna celebrate by going out for lunch?" He asked.

Tomorrow the cast would finish filming all of the first 9 episodes in season 10. Once half of the season was filmed the cast got a few weeks off to chill until they were needed back on set.

"Yeah, I would love to,' Amber replied. She had always had a mini crush on Graham since the day they met. But she didn't want anything to become of it because it might ruin their great friendship.

"Ok, I can't wait!' Graham said excitedly. They pulled up in the hotel car park and grabbed their bags.

"See you in the morning,' Amber said as they parted ways.
"Goodnight 'Amy'," Ty replied with,
They both giggled turned and continued walking away.


Amber and Graham had 1 more day together until it was the mid season break. Three weeks away from the Heartland set. What would become of it...

Authors Note:
I hope you enjoyed chapter 1! Comment and vote your thoughts. Thanks for you support.

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