Sitting in a Coffee shop

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Nothing is better than sitting with Love
In a not-so-common coffee shop
Drained by a long day.
Sitting with the friend of your soul
Looking then outside at the world
Sipping on the warm drink that hugs your insides
And watching the world go by,
as it always does.

In the company of one's nearest and dearest
the outside world is always a blur.
Being able to speak about everything and anything with a nice warm drink after a long, cold day is perfect.
Oh how precious to me our memories will be
- friendships not always mutually as deep it may be argued.
Love doesn't always have to be the romantic kind..
We may come to know the realities of Love through a friendship - an internally murdering kind.
Love has us at our Beloved's doorstep, ready to face any kind of service, no matter how they treat us - if it's from the Beloved we'll take it blindly, chest ripped open, heart exposed!

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