Loving Understanding

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"In the end there doesn't have to be anyone who understands you. There just has to be someone who wants to."
~ Robert Brault

This is said so beautifully.
Sometimes the need to be understood outweighs the need to be loved.
This idea, to have someone in your life that is willing to search for all that brings happiness to your soul, all that causes pain and wants to understand why you feel the way you do.
To have someone that is willing to embrace all your imperfections and help you fix all that has been broken.

Even though they may not understand, the fact that they tried is what increases the love you have for them.

Is it really Love if they don't look to understand you?

This someone can range from a friend, a family member or spouse. Just anybody that you hold dear to your heart.

To be understood by loved ones brings a joy within that words fail to explain.
And when one is not understood by these loved ones, it brings a pain words fail to explain.

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