Part Of Me

14 3 4

Free verse just because..
I sent a simple message,
Just to say hi,
It's been forever since we talked.
We've gotten a little shy.

You're still my best friend,
Even thought I left,
And then you sent me the message.
It's your memories I've kept.

You said it's time for you to go,
That it's all over.
You said to never change,
I hide under my cover.

You said that you can't deal with this,
That you need to leave.
I can't loose you now,
I can't let you leave me.

I love you, my best friend,
And all the pain we've been through.
We've been through so much,
Things that have made us feel blue.

I started going crazy,
As I saw you flash before my eyes,
I won't loose you now,
Not behind the lies.

I finally gave up,
It seemed there was nothing I could do,
I started crying my hardest,
Because I lost you.

It was two hours,
Before I tried again.
Thinking "to hell with this, I'm trying"
And my heart skipped a beat.

You answered me,
You really didn't die,
I was about to break,
I'm so happy you're alive.

I screamed with joy,
Realizing I can't live without you,
But life would move on,
It's what you told me to do.

And even though I had you back,
I moved on a little,
Because the time I thought you died,
It made my heart melt to a puddle.

You are a part of me,
One that means a lot,
I'm so happy I didn't loose you,
Our lives are tied in a knot.
It's a long story
That I'm not going to explain,
I'm just so happy she's alive.
Goodnight loves, I'm so happy.
- S💬

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