Emma dropped her eyes from him as she went out the door.

She went over to her car as she stopped at the door.

Emma closed her eyes as she got into the car and pulled away from the house.

Emma pulled the car over as she was away from the house perimeter.

She got out of the car and looked at the surrounding fields.

She walked out into the middle of the fields and took in a deep breath of the fresh air.

Emma could not do it anymore.

She collapsed to the ground slamming both fists down on the ground.

"Why, why...why do this now?"

Emma reached back into her pocket as she pulled out the note from Trevor.

She wiped the tears from her eyes, as it was an updated photo from Jared.

There he was.

All grown and smiling like a little man, her little man.

Emma pulled out her phone as she was about to call Jared she saw the missed message on her phone.

Emma clicked on the message as she listened to it closely.

She stood back up as she looked back at her car.

Emma tossed the phone across the field as she ran back to the car grabbing the matches that she kept in the glove box.

She lit the entire thing and tossed it into the front seat.

She pulled her hood over her head as she ran off away from the car.

Back at the house, Trevor glanced up from his sandwich as Jensen sat down across from him.

"Emma left earlier."

"Good, we all need to leave this place once in a while."

"She has been gone for 2 hours." Jensen looked back at him.

Trevor put his sandwich back down, "Why are you freaking out?"

Jensen looked back at him, "Maybe she knows about Christienne."


"How do you know?"

"Emma is easy to read. She doesn't know about Christienne."

Jensen narrowed his eyes back at him.

"She is worrying about the little family she left." Trevor looked back at Jensen. "You really should know something about losing something that you love."

Jensen shook his head back at Trevor, "I should have never told you."

"You were drunk, you didn't tell me." Trevor smiled back at him.

Jensen shook his head when one of the guards walked into the kitchen with a note for him.

Trevor cleaned his face with the back of his hand, "Let me guess, you found Emma."

Jensen looked back at him, "They found her car up in flames. They found her phone tossed down into the riverbank next to it."

Trevor narrowed his eyes back at Jensen.

"They found drag marks where I am guessing they went over to a car."

"Someone kidnapped Emma? Do they know Emma?"

Jensen glared back at him.

"I wouldn't worry, she will be home soon." Trevor smiled back at him.

"There was blood." Jensen looked back at him.

Trevor nodded his head back at Jensen, "Guess we are heading out."

"Yea, we are heading out."

Trevor pushed his sandwich to the side as Jensen and the guard left the room.

Trevor cracked a smile, "Good girl."

Across town, Emma wiped her lip with the back of her hand as she walked into a small house. She glanced around, as the bottom level was empty.

She looked up the steps, as there were whispers.

Emma cracked a smile as she pushed the door open.

Luka was standing over a table with several guys looking back at her, "At midnight, I need you to all move in. send everyone in. I do not want them surviving tonight."

Emma stopped as Luka glared up at her, "Luka?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to get you."

"Why, how did you find me?"

Emma looked at the people around the table, "I was given a note. I was told about your location."

"From who?" Luka walked toward her.

"Who are they?" Emma asked her back.

Luka grabbed Emma by the throat tossing her out of the room. "You should have never came here."

"I was told that you would be my way out of Russia."

Luka looked down at her, "You are leaving?"

"I wanna leave."

Luka glared over her shoulder, "What did you hear?"

"Nothing." Emma glanced up at her.

Luka put her arm into Emma's throat, "You were never good at lying."

Emma tried to push Luka back, "I didn't hear a thing!"

Luka narrowed her eyes back at Emma, "Go to the old airstrip about 5 miles north of here. Tell them that I sent you."

Emma stumbled back as she coughed as Luka finally let her go.

Luka glared down at her, "Running was always something you did best."

Emma grabbed her throat, "I knew when I need to stop."

Luka smiled back at her, "Goodbye Emma."

Emma looked back at the people in the room as she turned and went down the steps as her lip had busted back open.

"Problem?" One of them asked Luka.

"No, actually we are perfect now." Luka smiled as she walked back into the room.

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