Chapter 6: Schedule Changes

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"Normally, some people only have a few classes changed," Alex added, "While some people have an entirely new schedule with new teachers and classmates."

I groaned, "Great."

Alex patted my arm sympathetically, "It's not so bad. You adjusted pretty quickly when you first started here and this is basically the same thing."

I made a face; the only reason I had 'adjusted so quickly' was because my pack had introduced themselves to me on my first day here.

The intercom crackled into life overhead, "Can all secondary five students please go to the auditorium for an assembly, please." The secretary repeated the message twice before turning off.

"Well, I'm going to go find my girlfriend so I'll see you guys at rehearsal tonight," Jake said, waving before he turned down a hall and disappeared in a sea of teenagers.

"I can't say I'm sad to see him go," Alex commented.

I arched an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about...things," he said cautiously.

"What kind of things?" I questioned as we turned down another hallway, heading towards the auditorium.

"Well, Austin had described almost horrific and I'm wondering why within two weeks they all seemed to have disappeared," he said, arching an eyebrow.

"How did you know they were all gone?" I asked, surprised. He was how could he see if I was okay?

Alex chuckled, "I may be blind but I am still a va-" he paused, "You know."

"So?" I questioned, still not getting it.

"I can sense blood, remember? I don't smell or feel any open wounds," he said.

I face palmed myself; Austin had told me the same thing. Man, I've got a bad memory.

"So how come they're gone?" he prodded.

I swallowed, flushing a deep scarlet as I remembered Austin's licking.

"Well, you see..." I started, wondering how to explain, "The night they found me they brought me back to Kayla's house since I looked like I belonged in a horror movie and my Dad probably would have had a heart attack if he saw me."

"But once everyone was asleep, I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk," I said, fibbing slightly, "I caught Austin's scent and remembered that he lived in Kayla's neighbourhood so I decided to pay him a know, to say thank you for helping to save me."

Alex nodded his understanding while I swallowed hard, "And he saw one of my...injuries and asked to see the rest of them." I looked at Alex "So I showed him."

"But how did they heal so fast?" he questioned, still looking vaguely puzzled.

"Um...I'm not clear on details but as far as I know vam- you guys," I corrected myself before I said the 'v-word' out loud, "Have something in your saliva that speeds up the healing process."

Alex blinked in surprise and I cringed, "Austin explained it to me by saying that, for example, if I were human and he were to bite my neck and suck my blood with no intention of killing me, then he would...lick my neck and that would help the wound heal faster."

"Hmmm," Alex said thoughtfully, "He never mentioned it."

"Probably because you never had a use of it," I shrugged, hoping dearly that this was something that I could tell Alex without getting in trouble. After all, I seemed to be in the clear so I don't think Alex will question me.

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