Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser

Start from the beginning

“Well, I’m going to keep Lena company,” Kayla said cheerfully, “Good luck, Carmen.” She said before she skipped off.

I stuck my tongue out at her as she left and Antoine chuckled as he set about separating my hair before he started to cut it.

“So you how did you and Kayla meet?” he asked casually.

I shrugged, “I moved here a few months ago and I met Lena and she introduced me to Kayla.”

“Where’d you move from?” he asked, cutting a chunk of hair at the back.

“Ohio,” I said, smiling slightly.

“Cool, I used to live there a few years ago,” he said, looking in the mirror to smile at me before turning back to look at my hair, “Do you miss it?”

I pursed my lips, “Sometimes I wish I could go back to the way things were in Ohio, but most of the time I love being here.”

“Really? Why’s that?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows, “Did you meet a guy?”

I flushed slightly.

“Ooh, tell me about him!” He said excitedly. -gay much haha-

I chuckled, “Well…he’s totally amazing,” I said, closing my eyes, “He’s sweet and funny and smart and he’s just….”

“Perfect?” Antoine suggested.

I opened my eyes, grinning. “I don’t believe in perfection, especially since sometimes I really just want to kill him,” I said honestly.

Antoine laughed, “I know how you feel,” he said, unclipping my hair before he started cutting again.

He looked down to cut a strand and I widened my eyes in the mirror. If only Antoine knew how serious I’d been when I said sometimes I really wanted to kill him.

About an hour later Antonio finally let me open my eyes after he finished blow-drying my hair. I hesitated a moment before opening one eye. My other eye flashed open as I gaped at my reflection in the mirror.

“Well?” Antonio asked, arching an eyebrow as he fixed my bangs quickly.

A wide grin spread across my face, “I love it!” I cried, “You’re a total genius.”

He bowed, “Thank you,” he said, grinning impishly.

My long brown hair, instead of being all one long length of half-wavy half-curly messed up tangles that ended halfway down my back; it now came up to right beneath my shoulder blades in beautiful slightly curled layers. My bangs had been cut and had stayed, thankfully, off to the side but they looked better.

Antonio pulled off the black cape with a flourish before he folded up. Kayla suddenly appeared at my shoulder.

“Whoa girl!” she exclaimed, her green eyes widening in the mirror’s reflection.

Panic shot through me as I checked my reflection for any sign that my hickey suddenly made a re-appearance. It didn’t.

“Damn! You look gorgeous!” Kayla said, still staring at me wide eyed. Lena suddenly popped up on my other side.

“Wow, Carmen,” she said, her brown eyes just as huge as Kayla's. “You look amazing.”

“So Carmen, when are you going to admit you were wrong?”  Kayla suddenly asked, smirking as she folded her arms.

I sighed, “I was wrong; you were right,” I said.

She punched the air with one fist, “Success!”

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