[6] dinners

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Of course the date we had planned for today, slipped the mind off my wonderfully, forgetful boyfriend.

I can't say I'm suprised though. After all, I would be lying if I said this was the first date he has forgotten, though that is not what is making me mad in this situation.

What is making me mad is that he was my form of transportation. Now that Beck had double booked himself and is too busy to give me a lift, I am now stranded outside the lot of the Alan Carr Studio with no way to get back inside.

I huff in annoyance, taking a seat on the curb attempting to figure my way out of this rather sticky situation.

Gemma and the boys are probably gone by now, off to a restaurant I didn't bother to take the name of. Even I did know the name, I have no way of getting there now do I.

I guess it would not hurt to find out the whereabouts of my roommate incase she is still in the building meters from where I am sitting.

"Gemma?" I call as she answers her phone two seconds before I would've been sent to voicemail.

"What's up, Liv? Aren't  you on your date with Beck right now?"

I explain to her the situation of Beck standing me up to which she replies "ugh I never liked that guy" as she always says whenever he messes up our plans, which happens way too often.

"Have you left the studio already?"

"Unfortunately I have," she apologizes. " but I'm pretty sure Harry is still there with Liam chatting up Alan. I'll text him now and check, you wait where you are," she instructs me before hanging up the phone.

What is with people and hanging up with me today. This is the second time in the past 5 minutes.

"Olly?" I hear a voice which I soon identify to be Harry's call from behind me.

"Over here," I tell him and he hurries over to me.

"You ok?" he asks sitting down on the curb next to me.

"Yea I'm good, let's go?" I ask hopefully, not wanting to talk about the events that just unfolded between Beck and I.

He nods standing back up and helping me up as well.


"This place is absolutely lovely," I remark as Harry, Liam and I step foot in the rather upscale restaurant we were meeting the others at.

They call it the Ivy. I've heard of it of course but have never been there due to their extremely expensive menu.

The dress code was smart casual. Thankfully, I was already dressed in a semi-formal outfit expecting to go out with Beck. Harry and Liam both put on jackets as they would not be aloud inside without them.

"The food here is even better than the scenery," Liam assures me.

It doesn't take long before we are led to the table containing Louis, Niall, Zayn and Gemma.

It's quite surreal to think that a few days ago I would've expected this Friday night to be filled with Gemma and I awkwardly yelling at the TV as we watch reruns of the Bachelor, but now find myself at London's fanciest restaurant eating dinner with the world's most famous boyband.

I ordered a Rib eye on the bone. Quite expensive but the boys insisted that we treat ourselves.

"Coke?" Harry questions as I make my drink selection and I nod. "I don't drink," I shrug and he nods understandingly. Everyone else at the table ordered various types of alcohol.

"Do you guys fine dine like this every night?" I question gobsmacked as this lifestyle is absolutely divine.

"Not really," Zayn replies, "we're more burgers, chips, and beers kind of lads but this is nice occasionally. We also have caterers for the tour so we don't eat out too often."

The rest of the night is filled with many laughs and getting to know each other. It's not difficult at all to connect with these boys. They're pretty easygoing and very fun to be around, I have no problem being comfortable around them. I completely forgot that they are the most famous band in the world. They honestly just seem like normal guys and I would assume they were if I wasn't the wiser.

"Thanks for dinner, guys. It was lovely," I say as the car we were riding in pulls up to Gemma and I's flat.

"No problem, Olly. It was pretty ace meeting you," Niall replies and the other boys speak various choruses in agreement. "See you tomorrow, yeah?" he adds and I nod.

Liam, Louis, and Zayn are heading off to their respective hometowns before their tour begins which kickstarts in Sydney, Australia.

Niall is spending the remainder of the time here in London as he has already spent time with his family so we recommended that he crashes at our places like Harry is doing.

Him and Harry are staying with the others for the night at their hotel then coming over tomorrow evening.

Gemma hops out of the car right after me, tripping as she does so causing me to laugh.

"I thought you lot said Olly was the clumsy one," Louis calls causing Gem to flip him a not so nice finger.

The two of us wave goodbye to the lads as the car drives away before entering our building.

The night was now over and I'd soon be back to my tedious life and I'm honestly not so excited to return.

I can't say my life is exciting because it truthfully isn't. Nothing ever happens, I'm in a constant cycle of boringness. Wake up, run, job hunt, sleep, not a very eventful life if you ask me.

Oh well, I lived the high life for a few days, I guess it's time to take a step down. Also, I have two members of One Direction staying with me this week, there's still a little bit of high life left to live.


as you've probably realized, I'm not so good at ending chapters.
next chapter is when the story really starts

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