[7] business opportunities

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Why do I always forget to put my phone on silent before I go to bed?

If I would have done that, I would not have been irritatedly woken up by the annoying sound of a text message.

I force myself to roll over to my bedside table to check who texted me at this ungodly hour.


Maybe it's not so early, but I still hate being woken up. My mood however changes when I notice that the person who texted me was Lou because Lou is the most cheerful person Ive ever met and her very name brightens up my day.

Lou — hello, love! Hope I didn't wake ya, but if you have the time I'd urgently like to meet with you today. Breakfast, lunch or dinner, does not matter to me just text me back, talk soon ! x :)

How could anyone be in a bad mood after  a lovely text like that.

Oliver — That sounds lovely Lou. You did wake me up aha but breakfast sounds perfect right now!

After a few texts back and forth with Lou, we agreed to meet at the same restaurant I went to with Gemma and Harry a few days ago. We were meeting in about an hour so I forced myself up to begin getting ready.

Knowing I didn't have much time, I shortened my usually long showers down to 10 minutes.

I briskly threw on a black and white striped shirt with a high waisted black skirt to match.

I surprisingly had loads of time to spare so I did my makeup but left my hair in its usual waves. I pull out my phone and shoot Lou a text telling her I'm leaving now.

I make it to the restaurant in under 20 minutes and immediately spot Lou as I walk in.

"Darling, how have you been?" she greets me as if we didn't see and meet each other just yesterday.

"I'm doing fine, you?" I reply politely and she tells me she's absolutely splendid.

We are immidiately led to a booth and served drinks. Lou gets a coffee with a gazillion instructions on how to make it, while I get a Coke with a lime wedge in the glass.

I love when they add a wedge of lemon or lime, it makes me seem fancy even though I'm quite far from that.

"Isn't it a bit too early for fizzy drinks?" she laughs but I simply shrug taking another sip of the drink.

It's always the perfect time for Coke.

We then order our actual meal. I stick to pancakes and breakfast sausages while Lou gets a very tasty looking crepe which is filled with both healthy and unhealthy ingredients. I guess it balances itself out in that regard.

I must have been hungrily staring at it because she offers me a bite of it which I decline.

"Alright, the reason I have called you here today is because I have in fact got a business proposal for you," she explains and I am instantly intrigued.

"A business proposal?"

She better not be kidding because I have been job hunting for who knows how along and Lou Teasdale may be the answer to my prayers.

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