[5] more friends

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"This is quite incredible," I marvel in awe as Gemma and I mindlessly wander around the set of Alan Carr Chatty man in search of Harry and the rest of his band.

One Direction, which I now know is the name of Harry's band, is having an interview with the popular British host as well as performing live on the show. It's pretty cool that he gets to do things like this. I especially appreciate that he invited Gemma along to hang around and watch.

The set is huge, making it an impossible mission to find where ever the boys are residing.

"Why that just cannot be Lou Teasdale," Gemma huffs arbitrarily heading over to a lady who seems to be somewhere in her mid twenties.

I wordlessly follow behind her knowing that she's probably encountered a multitude of people in Harry's superstar world.

As we were walking around she has been greeting and hugging all sorts of people, it seems as if she knows everyone on this lot except Alan Carr himself. Although none of her acquaintances have been able to direct us to wherever Harry happens to be.

"But the fact is, it is I, the one and only," the lady which I presume is named Lou replies pulling Gemma in to a hug.

She had eccentric bleach blonde hair which I can immediately tell are extensions. Not because it's obvious, I just happen to be rather familiar with extensions.

"While everyone else on earth is aging you just seems to be getting younger everytime I see ya," Gemma comments.

"Oh that's bullocks," Lou chuckles dismissing Gem's compliment. "And who might this be? she asks when she spots me meekly hiding behind Gemma's small frame.

"That's my roommate and best friend Liv," Gemma introduces me. I awkwardly say hello, not really fond at meeting new people.

After a few minutes of talking to Lou, I discovered that she was actually rather easy to talk to unlike most people I encounter. It's probably because she shares my love of my makeup and hair although only one of us had seemed to succeed in that craft.

She explained that she is One Direction's stylist and has been for over four years now. Lou is basically living my dream. All I want to do in life is have people appreciate my sense of style and that's what she gets on a daily basis.

"Do you have any clue where those unruly boys are at?" Gemma huffs. "We've been looking in just about everywhere for those twats."

"Yea, I'll take you to em," she says beginning to walk as we trail behind her. "I was actually just on my way there to begin getting them ready before I got the pleasant surprise of talking to you lot."

We walked around the backstage some more until Lou lead us to this room with a laminated paper saying One Direction stuck to it.

When Gemma opens the door, I almost immediately spot Harry's familiar curls as he sits off on a couch next to a blonde boy. I looked around and saw three other brunettes, though one's hair was almost black.

"Gemma is in the building," one of the brunettes exclaims when he see Gemma, rushing over to tackle her in a hug.

"Yes my dear Tommo, tis me," she replies hugging him back. The two instantly burst into a conversation, and I presume it's been a while since they've spoken. I awkardly stand to the side not wanting to interrupt.

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