“Children In Need Volunteers, Ireland 1987”

Dad looked like he was in his mid 20’s, his face was so full of life, ambition and hope; a face I’ll never see again. A woman immediately recognizes my curious stares.

“What’s the matter, Sweetheart?”

“That’s my father”

“Then why are you crying, I remember Peter such a nice and caring man” the fragile women replied

“You knew my father?”

“Knew?” she asked, brushing her grey hair to the side

“He passed away two years ago”

“Well I’m very sorry darling; but I bet he would be proud to see what a beautiful young lady you've grown up into” she replied walking back inside the church

“Wait” I called out

“Tell me about him?” I asked

A smile wrapped around her face as she guided me inside the church.

“Well, I met Peter in the summer of ’87; he had just found out that he was suffering from lung cancer; which I found completely ironic as the boy had never touched a smoke in his life. Well you see dear, your father wanted to help others and he was so persistent so he became a volunteer for the Children In Need foundation; helping find research and cures.”

“I never knew Dad lived in Ireland”

“You father emigrated from Italy with your mother and when he found out about you he asked your mother that you guys move to America; so he could provide the best for you, my child your father was a man of such consideration and selflessness”

“Thank you” I whisper giving her a shy smile; continuing to walk my way down the empty streets. I came across a lake and decide to sit on the bench.


“Daddy, stop tickling me” a little girl giggled. I feel the familiar substance strolling down from my ears as he lifts her on his shoulders as they walked away.

“I just don’t get it, why did you give up, you promised me you’d never let me get hurt, but you’re the only one who hurt me’’ I cried, my trembling fingers, shallow breath and shaking body; a mess.

“You promised me a promise that you couldn’t keep and you let my broken. I refuse to let anyone call me Ari, I block out anyone who tries to get close to me, and I refuse to fall in love because love is loss. I’m sick of everyone’s apologies and looking at me like I’m so fragile; I hate you” I screamed.

Suddenly, I felt a strong pair of arms embrace me.

“It’s okay Savannah” I looked p to meet his soft blue eyes

“It’s never okay, he’s gone, he left me” I trembled

“It’ll be okay” he reassured

We stayed liked that for a good few minutes, the bright blue sky turning into a warm orangey-red

“Come on let’s get you home”

“Can we just go to yours; I’m not really in the mood to face Mum or Paul”

“Sure” he replied; I stare out of the passenger window, thinking of the time we actually spent together before everything and the accident.

“We’re here'' Niall whispered, walking me up from my slumber”

I walked into his house, portraits of a young boy who was presumably him, an older boy and his mother and father. I could help but smile at the over-excited 12 year old. But chills ran over my face as I looked at his father’s face, it was so familiar but yet so unrecognizable.

“Here’s some sweats and a shirt” he said passing them to me, I nod, finding his room and changing. I tie my hair into a messy bun and wipe the makeup off my face, his aroma making me sigh in comfort. I walked into the living room, the warmth of the fireplace illuminating room.

Niall came into the living room handing me a cup of hot cocoa. Niall and I sit in a silence with the sound of crackling wood and popping fire keeping us company my eyes beginning to close.

“Savannah, you okay?” Niall asked

“M’ tired” I yawned

I felt myself being lifted and carried to his room.

“Sleep tight” he replied kissing my forehead, exhaustion setting over me.

“Niall” I called out

“Stay” I whispered

He didn't answer but instead he removed his shirt and sweats leaving him in his boxers. I felt the bed dip as he caged his arms around my waist, heat radiating off his bare chest. I nuzzled my head into his chest as he pulled me closer.

“Everything will be okay” he whispered to me before I fell asleep.

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