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“His fingerprints leave me covered for days”

-Little Mix, DNA

I walked into the house quietly closing the door behind. Phase 1 of avoiding Paul and Mum completed. I quickly ran into the kitchen needing ice for my aching wrist; the bloody bastard had left bruises.

“Savannah Alison Nicoletta Sanchez” my mother boomed from the living room, she only ever used my first name when she was angry.

“Yes mother” I replied fluttering my eyelashes

“Child, you keep fluttering those eyelashes and I’ll pluck each one off” did I forget to mention my mother was half-black.

Her face was red with fury and there stood Paul beside her trying to calm her down. Tosser.

“What is this I hear about you skipping school?”

“Yes mother, is that a problem?” I said flashing her, my pearly whites

“Girl, you better watch your mouth before I-”

“Lace, calm down” Paul interfered

“Savannah, your mother and I paid for you to get an education not for you to skip classes”

“Yes I know but nobody cared about what I wanted, what I needed, I never wanted to move, I never wanted to see Dad die and when I needed you most Mum you were too busy getting married; not once did you ask how I felt or about how many nights I couldn’t sleep because  I had nightmares and the fact they were actually memories made it worst, so don’t give me a lecture about trying to help me and provide me the best when you didn’t care about how I felt for the past 2 years.” I yelled tears falling

“Ari” my mother whispered, I ignored her running to my bedroom slamming the door.

I look at the clock, 7:15 pm. I take a quick shower before throwing on a pair of black skinnies, a translucent lime button up and a pair of my favourite red Nike Airs. I add a dark eye shadow and some bold red lipstick letting my hair cascade in its natural curls.

I grabbed Iphone 4S and put it in my back pocket. I walked downstairs almost reaching the door

“Where do you think you’re going?” Paul coughed

“Out with friends; none of your business”

“Look I’ sorry about your Dad but that doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to behave like this”

“Whatever” I said trying to open the door but Paul’s grip wouldn’t let me.

“You skipped classes today so for now you’re grounded”

“Nice try, now open the door and let me out”

“I wasn’t joking” he replied blocking the door and probably not giving up anytime soon

“You’re such a cunt” I groan walking back upstairs when suddenly my back pocket starts to buzz.

“I’m waiting and you look amazing xxx- Nialler”

“You can’t even see me and how did you get my number?”

“I have my ways xxx- Nialler”


“Just hurry up babe xxx- Nialler”

“How good are you at catching?”

“Babe, for you I’ll be superman xxx- Nialler”

“Come to my window”

He's My Teenage DirtbagDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora