"Oh come on Jack, you should have been ready the moment I said, 'let's race'." I smirk at him and he closes his eyes. I pull Miko beside Jack, and we just have the horses walk as we talk.

"I didn't know you could ride a horse like this." Jack says, I smile.

"My parents, used to take Anna and I out riding every summer before they died. I had so much fun. You know, I was so scared of getting on horse for the first time."


"Yeah, I was scared of kicking me off. Anna however, was jumping up and saying: 'horsey horsey!'" I laugh at the memory, and Jack laughs too.

"How old were you guys?"

"I was eight and Anna was five."

"I bet you were an adorable eight year old." Jack leans over and puts a stupid looking face.

I smile and push his head back. "Geez Jack, stop it." He laughs.

"This was a lot of fun. Thanks for taking me out."

"Of course snowflake."

I smile and try not to cry. "What's wrong?"

"It's bitter sweet. I just really miss them." Jack takes my hand, and squeezes it. Trying to comfort me in the best way he can, on a horse.

It makes me smile and stop crying. I look ahead, some movement catches my eye. I squint at it, trying to make, whatever it is, out. "What are you looking at?" Jack asks, I shake my head.

"I don't know, let's go find out." I go to the object. "Elsa stop! We have no idea who, or what that it is."

"That's why we gotta go see." I go a little faster, I get close enough to see that it's a woman on a horse.

I stop, and wave at her. "Hey! You ok there?" I ask, she has black hair with green on the end. "Jack," I look back at him. "didn't Tooth have green tips on her hair?"

"Yeah why?"

"Look." I point to the woman, and look back at him. Jacks eyes go wide and grabs my arm.

"Elsa, we need to go."


"We need to-..Duck!" I look back at the woman and see her pull out a gun. I gasp and put my head down. Two shots goes off, I feel my arm sting.

"Go Miko! Go!" I kick the horse and it takes off. I whip the reigns making him go faster.

More shots are fired, I put my head down and look for Jack. He's right beside me. "Don't look back! Just go!"

I kick Miko again, and he runs even faster. We get back to the stables and people are scrambling inside. "What's going on?! Are you two okay?" Pocahontas asks.

I nod and jump off the horse. "Yeah we're fine. We saw a woman, and all of sudden she started shooting at us." I explain to her.

"Okay, I just called the police. They're on their way, along with some paramedics just in case."

We both nod, Pocahontas walks away. I grab the reigns to Miko and bring him back to his stall.

I take off his saddle and put it up. I notice red spots on the back of the saddle. What if Miko got hit?

Quickly, I go check the horse. There's some on the back legs. But no wound. Weird. I start feeling a little dizzy, and hold myself to keep from falling over.

Jack walks in, and his eyes go wide. "Elsa! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"No you're bleeding."

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