Chapter 18

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*Elsas POV*

They never found her. The police looked all night.

All they found was a pen used to write the note, across the street. The police believe that, as soon as she threw the brick. Tooth got into her car and drove off.

They did set check points, for all roads out of the city.

Right now, she's hiding. Like the coward she is.

I stay at work trying to distract myself. It fails miserably, I end up deciding to go skate my solo part.

I sneak out, telling Anna that I'm getting something to eat. They told me not to be alone, but the rest of public is there.

So technically, I won't be alone. Other people will be there.

Of course I'm not stupid, I'm still keeping my eyes out.


I finish practicing my solo part, and I go sit on the bench.

"Thought I'd find you here."

I look up and see Jack sitting next to me. "Jack, how-"

"I asked Anna where you were, cause I was coming to get you. She told me you left to get food.. I knew that wasn't true."

"Did you tell her I lied where I was going?"

"At first I asked, how long you've been gone. She said, 20 minutes. That's when I told her where I think you were really at."

I look down at my skates, and tie the laces together. "Was she mad?" I ask him.

"No, she kind of expected it really...Come on, I'm taking you out riding."


"At the native american ranch." Jack takes my hand, and drags me out of the rink.

We arrive at the ranch. It's not that cold out, so I don't put on a jacket.

Jack pays to ride a horse for a couple hours. The owner, Pocahontas, shows us the horses we'll be using.

"This is Miko, a fine horse. He's very calm, just give him a sugar cube before and after you ride him. Miko is always hungry. And this is Flint, very energetic. Take good care of them, I've raised both of them myself." She smiles at us, and leaves.

"I got you a hat to wear snowflake."

I look up at Jack and smile"Thank you very much." He puts the hat on me, and kisses me as he does.

"Come on, get on Miko."

"You get on Flint." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

I smile and get on the horse. Jack gets on his horse and we go outside.

I see a small fence and have Miko jump over it. He sails over the fence, and I hear some people cheer. I look over where Jack is and smile at him.

"Hey Jack. Wanna race?"

"I could beat you easy."

"Oh yeah, let's see. Ya!" I kick the side of the horse and take off. The wind almost makes my hat blow off. But I hold onto it as I run with the horse.

I run all the way to a large pond, and turn the horse around. Jack reaches me a few moments later. "You know that wasn't fair."


"I wasn't ready."

"Well that's your own fault." I say smiling, Jack frowns. I laugh at his reaction.

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