The Memories Roll Back

Start from the beginning

“How dare you try to kill yourself!” I scream at my older brother. “It was bad enough to see you cut yourself, but now this!” I wanted to lounge at him and choke him. Kill him myself. He coughed up some more water before he spoke.

“I just went for a,” he coughed again. “Swim.” He was shivering through his wet clothes, but I was not giving him any dry clothes until I get answers.

“Yeah. Since when did a swim involve sinking to the bottom of the pool?” I snap, annoyed.

“I hate him.” He gets up and take a towel from the chair.

“Kellin. He has everything he could ever want. Fame. Money. Megan and a child. Me and Megan almost had a child.” He dries his hair.

“You and Megan what? You got her knocked up!” I hiss.

“Yeah. At 16. It was an accident, I swear. But her dad found the pregnancy test and kicked her in the stomach over and over.” I put a hand over my mouth. How could a father be so cruel? “She had a miscarriage at two months.” he flips his hair and went to the edge of the pool again. I went to sit next to him and stuck my feet in the pool.

“I could only imagine, if she would’ve still had that child, would we still be together?” he sobs. I never knew he felt this way about Megan. He looked at me with those red, teary eyes. “I wish I could take it back Mike. I wish things weren’t like this.” He barely whispers he last word. And I remain silence. For the first time, Vic has finally came truth about his emotions. And now that he has, it’s sad to see him the fucked up. I wonder how Megan feels……..

Megan POV

How dare him.

How fucking dare him.

Why would he try suicide?

Do I mean anything to him? After all the shit we’ve been through, this is how he repays me?

I scream out of frustration and throw a glass cup at the wall. It shatters, resulting from a breakdown from me. I hate to see Vic do this to himself. Only because I wet through the same thing as a child. I can’t even count my numerous failed attempts of suicide. I need to get out this house. Being emotionally attached to Vic won’t solve anything. Kellin was downstairs talking to Tony, so I grabbed his keys and jump from the two story window. I get in the car and start it up. My phone buzzed.

Kel: babe, why are you in the car? do you wanna leave?

Meg: yea I do. this is just too much for me to handle.

Kel: I understand

When he got our stuff, I drove. I needed something to preoccupy my mind. I decided a hot shower will do. Kellin decided to get some movies for us to watch after he put Audry to sleep. When the hot water hit me, I relaxed. Until a childhood memory came.

“No one will ever like you! Just kill yourself already!” my dad screamed at me.

“But dad-” he hit me across the face.

“Don’t call me dad.” He spit. When I went in my room, I grabbed a rope and tied it to the shower head. I wrapped the other end around my neck. I turned the hot water on and I prayed for Vic and the other. Then I stepped off the chair.

I slip and fell on the floor. I crawled back until my back was against the wall.

“Megan!” I could hear a faint voice. The blood flow must be slowing down. A pair of hands snaked around my waist, lifting me up and untying the rope. I hit the shower floor and Vic stood there, nose bloody, soaking wet. He sat next to me and held me as I cried.

“Your dad sure does put up a fight.”

I scream and cry. I pull my knees up to my chest and I hear the bathroom door barge open.

“Please don’t hurt me.” I beg. But it was only Kellin. He turned off the water and wrapped me in a towel. Now I’m afraid. If I lose Vic, it’ll only be me and Kellin. What happens if I lose him too?

“Please don’t leave me.” I whisper into his chest.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.” He murmurs in my ear. Stroking my hair. I let out 18 years’ worth of pain and misery into this one guy who means the world to me.

ok guise it's been settle. i will be doing a prolouge. i will work on it to the side and have the first chap of it up in a couple weeks. the title of it will be called Disasterology (Vic Fuentes Fanfic Prologue) and it shall be a story to read. see ya later little tacos

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