What your children look like (2/3)

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Before I start, you may wonder "Why is she this skin tone if Pietro and I aren't?"
She's different because I found it unique  and it's not something you see in other preferences. I also put her like this as a  interracial preference for all the colored girls out there. If you have a problem,feel free to leave this book.

Full name:
Aphrodite Rose Maximoff


Ability to move water and change it's form (basically Cleo's power from H2o lol)
Time Travel

Shy. She's very shy and only uses her powers during certain events like when she and her family are in trouble,etc.
She is the youngest of the three children.  When she does use her powers,it's usually a outburst of anger and violence,which is very unlike her so her siblings are always trying to keep her from that state.Another time she uses her powers is when she's in a state of trouble .

Her powers are not yet controlled.

She does have her eye on someone,and has tried to connect with them through many ways but is always stopped by Apollo,her older brother.

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