"Edit That Out"

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"Jessica asked, 'Are you guys coming to New York for TATINOF?'"

"I dunno, probably. Again, guys, we promise that we'll let you know as we determine tour dates. Oh no, let's not start this again."

As the chat filled with messages of "COME TO MEXICO" and "please come to California", Dan rolled his eyes. He expected nothing less- it was typical liveshow behavior.

"Katie asked, 'How was your Christmas?'"

"It was good! We got to visit our families and spend time with people we don't normally see. Our little Christmas here was nice, too."

"Phil got me this cool phone case, but it didn't work. Look at this!" Dan shoved his phone at the camera, showing their audience its cracked screen.

Phil laughed. "Sorry. You shouldn't have dropped it, though. It's not really my fault!"

"I know," Dan responded. He dropped his phone on the couch next to him, cautiously lacing his fingers together with Phil's where the camera couldn't see. Phil smiled at his boyfriend, his mind speaking the words he knew he couldn't say on camera as his eyes drifted to Dan's lips, watching them move but hearing nothing they were saying. I love you, Dan. I just want to kiss you. I can't wait to get this liveshow over with so I can-

"Phil?" Dan's voice, saying Phil's name as he waved his hand (the one not holding my hand, Phil thought triumphantly) in front of Phil's face, pulled him out of his train of thought. And they think I'm innocent.


"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Uh... No."

Dan laughed. "I asked if you wanted to show them what I got for you."

"Oh. Um, yeah. One second." Phil stood up and walked to his room to retrieve the gift.

When he returned, Dan was speaking to the camera about other little details of his Christmas with his family, but he stopped when Phil sat down.

"This is what Dan got me for Christmas," Phil said, showing their audience the plushie. "It's the actual weirdest thing ever, but I still love it."

"I love you, Phil." Dan leaned over and kissed Phil's lips softly.

Phil's heart flipped over and his mind went blank and he wanted to make out with Dan right then and there, but something was holding him back. Why was he restraining himself, again?

"Edit that out," Dan murmured happily, and then, much too late, Phil remembered why he had been stopping himself from kissing Dan. They were live. And nobody in the Phandom knew they were together. Well, not until now, when they had kissed in front of thousands of their fans.



"We can't edit that out. This is a liveshow."

Dan pulled away, the dazed, loving look in his eyes suddenly replaced by fear and realization as he went pale and glanced at the computer in front of them.


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