A Prank Gone Wrong

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"You wanna go get me some food?"



"Get it yourself, Dan. You're closer to the kitchen anyway."

"But Phiiilll, I'm too lazy."

Phil groaned, but dragged himself up off the sofa anyway. He knew Dan would convince him eventually. He always could.

When he reached the doorway of the lounge, however, he turned, determined to get the last word. "You sure are."

"Whatever," Dan whined, grabbing a pillow from beside him and throwing it half-heartedly at his boyfriend. It missed by a mile, landing in front of Phil, who simply chuckled and left the room.

After he was gone, Dan had an idea. They'd watched Unfriended last night, and despite insisting that he wasn't scared one bit, Phil was always extra jumpy for a few days after watching a scary movie.

Dan silently peeled himself off of the sofa, sneaking over beside the entrance to the room, where Phil wouldn't see him. There he stood, waiting for Phil to return.

He was there for a good five minutes before he started to get impatient.

"Phil?" Dan called.

"Yeah?" Phil's voice replied faintly from the kitchen.

"Are you coming back? You're taking forever," Dan yelled, trying to sound as annoying and whiny as he possibly could.

"Yes, Dan, I'm coming- just popping some popcorn."

"Okay," Dan called back, smirking to himself.

A few more minutes passed, and then Dan heard footsteps returning. He waited a bit longer, to time it just right, and then jumped out from the side, yelling "Boo!" despite how cliché the word was.

In return, he received exactly the reaction he had wanted: Phil jumped violently while making a loud noise of surprise and fear, then stumbled backwards, tripping over the pillow Dan had thrown earlier. The next part didn't happen quite as planned, however- when he tripped, he fell straight into Dan, sending popcorn flying everywhere as the two tumbled to the ground, landing face to face on the floor with Phil on top of Dan.

"Well, that sure didn't work out the way I wanted it to," Dan laughed.

"I hate you," Phil whined, but he was giggling too.

"I hate you, too."

"While we're here, though..." And Phil leaned down, a small smile upon his face, and pressed his lips to Dan's. As usual, their mouths fit together perfectly and the feeling of joy that spread through their stomachs was almost tangible as Dan thought smugly, Maybe this did work out exactly how I wanted it to.

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