Sick Day

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Dan was sick. He knew it before his eyes were open and his brain was truly awake. As he sat up, his head swam with dizziness and ached painfully. He shivered but was drenched in sweat, a disturbing combination of hot and cold at the same time, and seemed to have lost his duvet at some point during the night of tossing and turning uncomfortably. And, to top it all off, his nose was stuffy and each time he drew breath he felt the urge to cough.

Fantastic, he thought, groaning and falling back onto his pillow. He actually had plans for today besides scrolling boredly through Tumblr- he was going to film a new video for his channel, meet PJ and Chris for dinner (with Phil, of course), and then do his usual Tuesday liveshow, but if he still felt like this in a couple hours, none of that was happening.

Though the very idea of eating was almost enough to make him throw up, Dan knew he had to eat something, so he clumsily climbed out of bed, paused for a moment to give his head a chance to stop spinning, and walked (more like stumbled) from his bedroom to the kitchen.

Phil was already in there, humming a random tune as he ate some of Dan's cereal. Dan couldn't find the energy to scold him, simply rolling his eyes instead as Phil turned to greet him.

"Look who's finally up! Hey, you okay?" Phil's expression morphed from teasing to worried in less than a second.

Leaning against the wall, Dan stopped to cough before replying. "I've been better."

He could almost feel Phil switch into what Dan jokingly (but accurately) called his "mum mode". "Go sit down, okay? I'll bring you some water- do you feel like eating? I can make you some toast or soup or something."

This is what Dan lov- liked about Phil. Anything ever went wrong, and Phil was immediately ready to help Dan feel better. He smiled weakly. "Toast would be great, thanks."


An hour later, Dan and Phil were sitting on the couch in their lounge, only a small bit of toast sitting abandoned on a plate nearby as they watched Death Note. Despite being wrapped in a blanket Phil had brought him, Dan was still freezing. He longed for warmth, any source of warmth, and the closest source just happened to be sitting right next to him on the couch, simply feet away, but he was not asking Phil to cuddle. He didn't like Phil that way. Nope. So he returned his gaze to the television, shivering.

But of course, Phil noticed. "Are you cold?"

Dan simply nodded.

"C'mere, then." And Phil's arms were reaching out to beckon Dan into them. Dan froze- they looked a lot more welcoming than he'd expected and he could feel his resolve weakening.

"No, no, no. You'll get sick, too!"

"I don't care. It's a risk I'm willing to take." Phil grinned as Dan's body (and his heart) ignored his mind once and for all and he scooted over to lay his head on Phil's chest as Phil's arms wrapped around his torso. "Better?"

Dan coughed lightly and snuggled even closer to Phil. "Definitely."


They'd spent the entire day watching anime, only stopping for Phil to go get food for them, and though he'd had to cancel with PJ and Chris and hadn't gotten anything done, Phil didn't regret it one bit- spending time with Dan, especially when he was sick and would've been bored out of his mind alone, was worth the wasted day. Dan had fallen asleep on his chest an hour ago, but Phil didn't have the heart to move him so he stayed, contently watching the television and letting his fingers play  absentmindedly with Dan's hair. As Dan slept, Phil could barely tell that he was ill. Only the way his breath hitched in his throat as he snored softly gave it away. His cheeks were painted pink with fever and he looked so young and vulnerable, like the boy Phil had first fallen in love with way back in 2009, rather than the older, more confident Dan of the present, who Phil had loved more and more with each passing day. He wanted to tell Dan so, so badly, but since 2012 he had been terrified of Dan's rejection and had kept his feelings to himself, locked away in a box no one could access but Phil.

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