Bella's Wedding Is Almost Here

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It's been a few weeks since the Newborn army,the Vultori,and since I found Bree.She is doing great with her new diet,she also doesn't have a problem with Bella's blood.Everyone loves her,me,Jazz and Emmett are her favorites.If she isn't with me,then she is ether with Jazz or Emmett.She is like a daughter to me and Jasper,she even calls us mom and'm sitting on the railing of the balcony,watching Alice and Bella.Bella is wearing high hills,and I know she doesn't like it.

Alice:"You just have to break them in"smiling.

Bella:"I have,for three days"

Me:"Face it Ali,your never going to get her to like hills"laughing.

Alice:"Yes I will!"

I threw my hands in the air,(I give up)I thought.I look and see Bree carrying a stomp behind Jazz.I couldn't help but smile.

Emmett:"Where do you want them boss?"

Alice:"Down the path"

Rose:"What path?"

Alice:"Does anyone see my vision?!"

Me:"I do!"giggling.

Alice glares at me.

Me:"Fine,I'll show them"

I jump down and land on my feet.I run to them,and showed them were to put everything.Bree runs up and hugs me.

Bree:"Can we go hunting later,mom"

I smile.

Me:"Of course,honey"I kissed her head"Now go help grandma"


She runs over to Esme.I feel arms go around my waist.I turn around and put my arms around his neck.

Me:"Well hello,my wonderful husband"smiling.

Jazz:"Hello,my beautiful wife"smiling and then kisses me on the lip.

Emmett:"Hey!stop making out,you will have plenty of time for that when your on your honeymoon!"

We start laughing.

Me:"Alright, we are coming!"

We walked back to the others.

Bree:"Mommy,can we go hunting now"

Me:"Ok,let's go"

Bree:"Daddy,are you coming?"

Jazz:"Of course,sweetie"

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