
The outside of the house had just as much action as the inside as nosey neighbours watched from the confinement of their living rooms behind closed windows and open curtains while others were nosey enough to make their way out of their house and onto the lawn. Inside, things were being thrown out of draws and cupboards and closets in attempt to uncover some conviction of any sort.  The cops had been wanting to catch Curtis for years now but could never quite do it. The hidden woman then heard a small house from outside her  small window, she didn't dare look but she could definitely hear the sound of the window being opened or removed. She covered her own mouth with her dirty hands and closed her eyes in hopes that maybe if she couldn't see them then they couldn't see her. Then out of no where she heard a bark.  A dogs bark. She opened her eyes in confusion and from under the bed saw the paws of a dog, not just one but two, not just two but three. Three large brown dogs that had been shoved through the window meticulously and were now in her room running about viciously.

"Don't worry yourself pretty lade, they only hurt cops" she heard a voice whisper and chuckle before the window was fixed back into place and the dogs played around with each other. She let her head slip from under the bed slightly and looked up at the window, nothing had changed except the fact that the hole was now gone. The only connection she had to the rest of the world was gone. That one hole that allowed her to take a glimpse of the Blue sky she adored so much was gone now. So there was no more Blue for her. Just the colourless room before her. The room was dark and the dogs made it smell different although they had only been there for a few moments. In the short amount of time they had been thee the rooms smell became musky and smelled like dog food with damp and some sort of mint. She crawled back under the bed and pulled the sheet down so it hid her completely. She wondered if the dogs would walk over to her and give away her position, or how long the dogs were going to be there. Jay wouldn't make her share a room with vicious unpredictable dogs would he? The dogs growled angrily at the door before it even opened shocking Bey and making her bottom lip quiver and when it did open with a loud creek they immediately ran to the officers who had opened it. Beyonce didn't dare open her eyes for one moment.  

"wooow" one tall white man said jumping back in fear and the crazed animals.

"I told you about the dogs!" Curtis yelled from downstairs. "the rooms completely empty except for the dogs!" He called, the dogs were shoved back into the room and the door was slammed closed. Beyonce could definitely recall the noise of some sort of ripping fabric and wondered if the vicious animals had in any way hurt the officers.  

"I Didn't see anything  in there, did you?" Officer Green asked Officer Hilton. They both shook their heads to confirm the room was empty but with the short glimpse they got of the room how could they know that there was a bed in there, and under the bed was Beyoncé hiding. They were too scared to open the door again and although they liked to pretend they were important officers they weren't, they didn't even have Guns. Of course they liked to give off the image that they were detectives and had at lease a taser gun but they didn't even have that.  They checked Shawn's room next and found nothing, then Curtis' and the  the bathroom then went back downstairs. Curtis was always too smart for the cops. He didn't hide things in his house when he had other places to put it, and If he did he hid them amazingly. like the little compartment under the washing machine in the basement filled with bullets. Those officers didn't bother mover the washing machine far enough to see the little handle poking out from under the rug. 

"one gun" Officer Green circled Curtis who stood smiling before pulling a  Brown box from his pocket. A box Jay had seen many times as he grew up. Curtis flipped a cigar our of the box and held it up to his lips.

"are we done here?" He asked moving it away slightly and lifting the lighter to burn it.

"for now"  Officer Hilton said with range spilling out of his voice before storming out of the house with the disappointed officers trailing behind him. Once they were gone Curtis turned to Shawn who stood nervously, he didn't know why he was nervous but he could tell her was and so could Curtis. 

"So? you told on me?" Curtis asked him and Shawn shook his head fast. 

"No way!" Shawn yelled back at him, maybe if he yelled then Curtis would believe him more. 

"Then how the fuck did they know that I was still involved with the gang shit?" Curtis walked over to the kitchen table and sat down before giving Jay and look he had never seen before. It's like when your parent catches you having sex and to make it worse your having sex with someone they've never seen in their life. Not that Jay would know what that looked like but the look Curtis was giving was pretty close to what he imagined it to be. 

"I don't know, there are a lot of people who don't exactly like you" Shawn pointed out as he walked over to the angry man. 

"Yeah? I didn't ask anyone to like me, I couldn't care less If they like me or not" Shawn scrunched up his face and wondered if that's the way he had been when he first met Beyonce. Was he that closed off and rude for 21 years before she finally came along and broke down those walls that Curtis had installed in him. "What? It's not like anyone likes you" Curtis spat at Shawn, after all those years of Shawn bending over backwards and ruining his life to please Curtis he thought he had finally done it with becoming a rapper and actually taking his career somewhere, and then he goes and said something like that. 

"People like me" Shawn's voice shook slightly, he was scared. Not scared of Curtis but scared that he was right, did people like him? Was he a bad person? Did he really shut everyone out? well, except for Bey. Sometimes that one relationship is all you need to make you realise how important friendship is. How remarkable it is, how it can stretch over any obstacle and fight through any war. It makes you realise that you need people to talk to, people to trust and people to rely on. He had never felt the need to trust anyone before Beyonce, and now he trusts her. The trust he has for her makes him want to trust other people because its a good feeling. It makes you feel happy and safe and protected for just a while. He hated being all sloppy but it was true, he didn't need anyone to protect him physically. He was perfectly capable of that but emotionally you need someone every now and then to help you through rough patches and bag days, or just good days. Someone to share secrets with so you don't need to go through things alone. Then, the trust she had for him made him feel powerful and a little bit more special than he ever though he was.  These thoughts told him that he never wanted in any way to hurt the relationship he had with her. Ever. 

"People like you?" Curtis laughed and blew the smoke out in one swift puff, "How could they? your just like me!" Curtis yelled and he felt the words hit him like a ton of bricks, he didn't want to be anything like Curtis. "So come one Shawn tell me!" Curtis stood up in his face, 

"Beyo-" Before he could finish the name he was shouting loudly in Curtis' face he cut himself off knowing how much of a mistake he had just made. 

Thank you for reading, Please Vote and comment. 

1) Did the cops really know nothing about Beyonce? 

2) Where did the Dogs come from? 

3) Do you think Curtis will be caught by the police or will it be up to Shawn?

4) Is Curtis going to react to Shawn almost saying Beyonce?

5) What will happen next

BTW: what happens next is a little obvious since it was emphasised on so much... Shawn never want's to hurt their friendship, or break her trust. 

6) Will Shawn break Beyonce's trust? 

TAKEN: From a Prisoner to a starWhere stories live. Discover now