Who's Help?

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The three stood in a park, catching their breath, the warehouse far behind. Ivy had started to pace, thinking.  

'Phone.' She held out her hand to Sam. Dean raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. 

Sam obediently placed his phone in her hand and she started typing furiously. 

She put the phone to her ear and leaned against the bench that the brothers, Dean and Sam, were now sitting on. They waited in silence for a minute. Ivy abruptly drew the phone away from her head, groaning. She started typing again, but this time it wasn't a call. 

'What happened? Who were you calling?' Sam asked, standing now.  

'Help,' she replied simply, handing Sam back his phone, ' the second that phone goes off, you tell me.' 

Sam nodded.  

'Aren't you gonna tell us anything? What did you even see? What was that voice? Who did you call? What's even going on?' Dean bombarded Ivy with questions, some of which even she couldn't answer.  

'Dean, what was in there, well you don't even want to know, but we need help, no actually I need help, you two need to get the hell out of here.' 

'What? We're not leaving you. Whatever was in their must be dangerous, you can't face that alone.' Sam was not prepared to leave her.  

'I won't be alone, I have-' 

'Help, that won't even answer the phone. Ivy seriously,' 

Ivy looked at Sam, he was obviously determined to help. She smiled, barley noticeable but she couldn't help it. He was too kind, it would be the death of him one day, and that day was probably today.  

She turned to look at Dean who didn't look prepared to leave either. She sighed, 'fine, but you listen to every word I say and regard it as law right?' Both nodded, 'okay, good. Now we have to lay low for a bit-' suddenly the phone vibrated, Dean grabbed for it but Ivy was too fast. She glared at him as she opened the text.  

She stared at it, not believing it. Dean grabbed at the phone again and she let him take it. Sam and Dean looked at the phone, not understanding.  

'What does this even mean?,' Dean was asking, 'And who's SH?' 

'Help,' Ivy replied, yet she could barley hear herself talk, the text running through her mind. "What did it mean?" She thought.  

'Is he the one you tried to call?' 


'Ivy?' Sam looked at her, concerned, 'Ivy?' 

But she didn't answer, she had fallen to the ground, kneeling, the realization had hit her, no help, there was no help. No help and they were all dead. She was vaguely aware of the two coming to her aid, crouching next to her and asking stupid questions like are you okay? of course she wasn't okay. Sam and Dean were going to die and it was her fault. They were going to die and she couldn't save them. They were going to die and no help was coming. They were going to die.  

'Ivy, Ivy look at me.' Sam was attempting to bring her back to reality, 'Ivy please ... ' 

Ivy sighed and looked up, 'I'm so so sorry.'  

She blinked away tears. The brothers were shocked, never had she cried before, but here she was, sitting in the park in the middle of the night, dark hair falling in her face while she attempted to stop the flow of tears.  

She looked up at Sam. 'Leave now, both of you,' she glanced at Dean, 'please just go-' 

'No! We've been through this and I am not leaving.' 

'It's different now, you read the text no help is coming. We can't do this on our own. We need help and there is none.' Ivy was struggling to her feet.  

'Then we'll go find help,' decided Dean and Sam nodded, 'we'll go get this guy to help us.' 

Ivy sighed and glanced at the phone that now rested in Sam's hand once more. She shut her eyes tightly then turned and walked away. The boys exchanged a look before following.

Sam pocketed the phone, the screen still brightly lit with the message that had changed everything.

'He is up on the cloud, won't come down, says he is done helping people. 


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