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"Tainted!" He yelled, furiously standing and pushing past the Guards around him. "You've been tainted by the forgotten! How could you possibly betray your father like this?!" His voice was so loud, so harsh. It was funny though. Because his voice showed no concern for me. Or for what I did. He didn't really care, but it gave him perfect leeway to do as he wanted with me. And what he wanted, was me dead.

"Father, with all due respect... I've been gone weeks and you didn't send any one to search for me." I raised my eye brows at him, trying to keep calm. "I could have been dead and-"

"I rather you dead then defiled by a fallen." He glared at me, the look of disgust seeping into me.

"Father, Please. Listen to me."

"Silence!" He shoved his hand up to stop me from continuing. "All I want is the name of him. Now."

I stiffened. "No."

"His name, Johanna!"

"I will not tell you his name. I will not tell you anything... Because he had shown me more companionship then you. More compassion. More love..." I shook my head slowly.

He scoffed, spitting on the ground as if to get the taste out of his mouth. "Fallen do not love... Fallen do not care! Why do you think they are called the forgotten!" He squinted at me, his eyes flickering to a man next to me. A guard about my age who had on a metal helmet.

With a swift nod from my father, a hand was placed on my shoulder, and words whispered into my ear.

"Who is the forgotten who has tainted you?" The words were sweet and alluring, words I could not refuse to answer.

"Jax." I whispered, before it was even possible for me to think about what I was saying.

There were a collect number of gasps around us before my hands were bound behind my back. I looked around as people rushed toward me, only the guards of course.

"You were with the main forgotten!" My father shouted. "How could you possibly... Why?!"

"He's not what you make him out to be!" I yelled. "He was sweet to me. Took care of me. Protected me from all that was bad..."

"Bullshit!" My father yelled. "He's only trying to get to me through you, and look! It's working! He's breaking you! But I'll break you before he even gets a chance to..." He nodded to himself, clearly making a plan. "I'll break you." He said again to himself.

I was blindfolded and thrown into a cell. I found my way to a seat and sat there, hands bound behind my back and a white cloth over my eyes.

"Sweet love can only be." I sang softly, "a part of my life when it wants to be. For I love you, and no one else can take your place..."

"Quiet down!" A guard yelled from down the hall.

I winced, my back hitting the wall behind me. It was cold against my warm back, cooling me and offering me comfort.

What was going to happen to me? Why were they being so ruthless... Were the forgotten really the bad ones? Or were they forgotten because they were compassionate to people that they didn't even know...

Then I remember the other forgottens. The fallen that had beaten me for being a pure blood... The highest of them, too... But wouldn't anyone treated badly treat their tormentors the same? To, possibly, give them a taste of their own medicine? I know I would...

There was a racking on my cell bars as the door opened. "Looks like it's your judgment day, kid." A deep thick voice said as he grabbed the chain connecting my wrist bounds. "Let's go."

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