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The next few days passed slowly. We stayed in our room most of the time, not wanting to be caught up alone with Mr. Paxton again.

I had told Vie about my dream, but she didn't really have a take on it. She was Just worried that I had a thing for our new teacher, which was sad of her. Neither of us denied how devilishly attractive he was, but something about him was off putting, and frankly neither of us wanted to investigate.

It was the eve of our first school day, and we sat in the cafe. Everyone was showing up, all in a rush to get their books and set up their rooms for the year.

"The beautiful Viola, in the flesh." Our friend Trixy purred, kissing Vie on the check before sitting down next to her.

"Trix." Vie breathed, returning the kiss lightly, her face flushing.

"Abby." I said, making kissing sounds.

Trixy looked over at me with a warm smile, "sorry doll." She said softly, her southern drawl tantalizing on her tongue.

Trixy was Vies "ex" girlfriend. Even though, seeing I share a room with Vie, they don't act very broken up. She had long black kinky curly hair, her skin a light mocha color. Her eyes were blissfully blue for her skin tone, making her gorgeous without words.

"What are you doing over here, shouldn't you be with your little slut?" Vie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest and turning away from Trix.

"How is she a slut, darlin? At least she never cheated on me. With men, at that." She hissed.

Vie looked sad for a moment, then glared at her ex lover. "Obviously you didn't do a very good job at the sexual stuff."

"Oh honey, we all know that's a lie." She purred, rolling her R's with her tongue. She glanced over at me and set her arms on the table. "What about you, suga? You change your mind yet?"

"No, Trix. But thanks for the offer." I winked at her and pushed out of my seat. "I'll give you two some privacy." I noted dryly, headed for the exit.

I went outside and sat on a bench, the wind whipping slightly around me. I hugged myself in attempts to keep myself warm.

"You'll catch a cold." Jake said, draping his coat over my shoulders.

I shrugged, "better then being in there with those two."


"Trixy and Vie." I shook my head, pulling his coat closer to me, absorbing the heat welcomely.

"Are they still at each other's throats?"

I shrugged, "in more ways then one." I looked over at him. He had taken a seat next to me, his elbow propped up on the arm of the bench, his fist holding his cheek up. He smiled sarcastically at me. "Which reminds me, how's your fiancé?"

His face fell slightly as his eyes darted away from me. "Fine, thanks."

I smiled half heartedly and stood up, dropping his coat onto his lap. "Thought so." I murmured, "I'll see you later."

"Come on, don't be like this." He called after me.

I stopped and turned to him, "I refuse to be like all your other play toys that you've had here. Vie doesn't even know you're engaged, and she's one of your closest friends. How many people are you hiding this from?"

He ran a hand through his hair as he shut his eyes, "it's no ones business."

"It's everyone's business if you're going to fuck them!" I shouted, wincing at my own words. "You know I can't do... Whatever it is you want me to do, Jake..."

"You're better then that anyway." He said softly.

I nodded, turning on my heels and walking down the side walk. I continued to walk, winding up endless paths that would eventually trail me back to the dorms.

I sat on a bench that over looked the small river side that was just down the mountain, regrettably it was fenced off. But it was still gorgeous to look at.

Jake had been engaged for a year now, their wedding was planned for when he went home on spring break. I found out by one of his ex girlfriends... Or, ex play toys. I really liked him, I always had. But knowing he had someone else, and knowing he just used every girl here for his own pleasures... Why would I want to be with someone like that?

"Are students allowed out this far from campus?" Mr. Paxton's hard voice came from over my shoulder.

I gritted my teeth, "probably not. Didn't stop me, though."

"Easy with the sass." He muttered, coming to stand next to me. "It's getting late, the sun will be down before long. I think you should head back, just to make sure you get there safe."

I scoffed, "I enjoy the dark. It's where I can hide the best. Get away from everything that I can't face. Who are you to take that away from me?" I asked, peering up at him.

"And who are you to take away my peace of mind?" He said in a low voice, pointing toward campus. "Go."

"How am I-"

"Go." He said again, his teeth clenched.

How in the hell was I taking away his peace of mind? I stood up, giving him an irritated look, and stalked off toward my dorm.

Teachers can't treat students like that- it must be against the rules. Rude, arrogant, im-so-important-English-teacher kind of guy.

I wasn't sure if I could trust him, or if I should fear him all together, honestly. How did he even know I was out there? Was he following me? Or was he coincidentally already out there?

My mind was reeling as I stomped up the stairs to my dorm room. I pushed the door open forcefully, only to stumble in on a Vie with a wild Trixy attacking her... Only Vie was very much willing.

"My god!" I yelled, shielding my eye. "Lock the damn door next time!"

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