Volunteer Day 3- (part 1)

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(Picture of sky's pj's.^^ and sound of sky in her human for growling.^^)

(I know the girl is creepy but just listen to the growl.)

Sky's pov

"H-hey! pst... Sky. W-wake up." someone was shaking my shoulders trying to wake me up.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked with a groggy voice.

"I- I heard something g-growling in the w-woods." Amy said shakily.

Now wide awake I told her," okay, tell Alana and Stacy. I'll go check it out." She nodded and went to do as I told her. I got up, forgetting my gun, and walked around to the back of the barn.

"Grrrr!! Grrrrrrr!!!!" I heard growling as I walked closer.

I smelt the air.


I growled back but mine had more power. My eye started to change, having gold surround my pupil.

"Sky?" I heard Stacy's voice.

I calmed myself down. I sniffed the air again. It was only Stacy behind me. The Rouge still in the wood.

"Grrrrrrr!!!" The rouge growled again.

"Stacy. Come here." I commanded.

She walked over to me. "What is it?"

I looked at her in the eyes. "Rouge." I whispered. She sniffed and her eyes widened.

"Go tell Alana. Make sure that Amy doesn't hear you. If she asks tell her it's the cougar. Alana and you will stay with her." I told her.

"You're not-" I cut her off. "I don't want any of you getting hurt. Just stay in there no matter what you here and make sure Amy does not leave the barn." I said in my alpha tone.

She nodded her head and went back to the barn. I turned back to the woods. I didn't have anything but my pj's on. I walked into the woods.

"Grrrrr!! Grrrrrrr!!! Grr!!!!!" It still growled. I growled back more than last time. My claws coming out and my canines showing.

"Come out you coward..." I growled.

I heard a twig snap to my left. My head shot toward the sound. I looked at the rouge come out. But it wasn't a rouge. It was an alpha.

The wolf was huge, maybe a little bit smaller or the same size as mine.

"Shift." I growled stalking towards it. "I said shift god dammit!" I growled louder. It growled back. "Let me ask you this. There is a 15 year old girl in that barn. If you were on this land you are on my territory. And one of my rules are never no matter what show your wolf. Do you want to mess with another alpha and her land?" I growled.

It stared at me for a minute then walked back behind a tree. He came out with shorts on. I'm guessing it was on his ankle.

He looked about 6'3. Around my age a little older maybe. He had blue eyes and brown hair. Very built. I couldn't tell much of what he looked like but I could some because of the moonlight.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my land?" I growled out and stepping towards him.

"I'm Mason Young and I'm looking for my mate. I smelled her on this part of the land. I'm from the Blue Blood pack. I didn't know I was trespassing." He explained.

I nodded. "Well you chose the perfect time of the night to come on my land. And you're 4 1/2 miles away from the edge of your territory. You are trespassing on Red Moon packs land. I'm the next in line alpha female. Daughter of Alpha Rick Greene."

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