Volunteer Week(day one)

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(Skylar's clothes and hair style^^)

Skylar's pov

Today I woke up feeling it would be a good day.


"Good morning class." The class groaned as the cheery Mr. Popper came into the class. "Well good morning Mr. Popper. What are you so happy about?" Stacy yelled from the back of the class using her natural thick southern accent. "Yeah, what goin' on here." I mocked Stacy, again we both have pretty thick southern accents. Everyone chuckled or smiled at us. This is normal for all of us. Mr. Popper is a chill teacher. He likes to play along lots of the time.

"Well if you must know, we are doing volunteer week." He said with the happiest smile." I have assigned everyone three partners and three choices for what you're gong to volunteer for. This will be the whole school day for the rest of the week. If you don't show up, you get an F- for the day. If you show up you'll get an A+."

"Okay for the groups," he paused looking at the paper that most likely has the groups.

"Danny, Anna, Nicole. Your choices are help out at the sale barn, Richards Repair Shop, or the vet center. Tell me before you leave."

"Next, Lea, Sam, and Ocean. You can volunteer at Randy's steer ranch, the pound, or the quick stop in town."

"Stacy, Mad- I mean Alana, and Skylar...." that was weird. I swear I nearly heard him say Madison. Oh, well. At least we got Alana.

Alana is a shy sweet girl who gets straight A's in all of her classes. We have talked some but not a lot. She's 5'10 and has long blonde hair. She has pale blue eyes. She has freckles sprouted across her nose and cheeks. She love riding horses. She gets picked on and bullied a lot and when I know it's happening I stop it. I am not just one of the bystanders. I stand up for others, and sometimes gets in trouble for it.

She's also a werewolf.

"You guys have either rodeo arena, Jack's and Jackie's Horse Training Center, or the Grandma's Flower Shop."

We moved so that we could talk and make our decision.

"Well, if it was just me I would either go to Jacks and Jackie's Horse Training Center, or the rodeo arena." I have been to Jacks and Jackie's. There people around there early 60's is really nice and she doesn't just train they also gives trail rides to people.

"I think I'm going to agree with you Sky." Stacy agreed.

We both looked at Alana waiting for an answer.

Alana looked at us wide eyed.

"You w-want my opinion t-to?" She asked surprised.

We nodded, still waiting.

"Well I guess we could go to Jack's and Jackie's." She whispered. We smiled and nodded.

We all walked up to Mr. Popper and told him we wanted to go to Jack's and Jackie's. He smiled.

"Okay. Well give her this and they'll know what to do." I took the envelope and started to open it.

"Stop. That's not for you." Mr. Popper swatted my hand. "Okay."I put my hands up in surrender.


"Hey Jack." I greeted him. "What can I do for you?" I handed him the envelope.

He opened it, and smiled. "Girls, are ya'll wearin something that you won't mind going on trail rides in.

I nodded.

I looked at Stacy and Alana. Stacy had a nice blouse on with shorts and boots. Yup, that's Stacy for ya.

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