Volunteer Week (Day two)

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(Killer above^^)

Skylar pov

Everyone got up and around at ten or so. Everyone except Alana, Stacy, Amy, and I were already ready and awake at about 5:30 a.m.

Amy was sleeping with us girls, instead of sleeping with the twins or her parents.

She didn't mind getting up early.

Us girls are currently talking and eating breakfast.

"So, do you like horses?" Stacy asked.

"Yeah, they're my favorite animals. They are just such spirited and beautiful creatures." She said. It sounded like she was like a poet of something for a moment.

"Are ya'll stayin' in town for a while." Alana asked.

"yeah, I think for a week or two." She nodded.

"Well, I guess if it's okay with your parents and the owners of the ranch you could come and help us this week." I suggested.

"Really?" She asked.

We smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll asked." She said standing up.

"What are you all doing?" Niclas asked.

"Why are you talking in proper English?" I replied with another question.

"What?" He asked confused both of them taking a seat next to Alana.

"It's not 'you all'. It's ya'll. One syllable. Ya'll." I explained as if her were six.

"Why would I say it like that? It doesn't make you sound proper nor intelligent." He argued.

"I'm pretty smart, and I don't use proper English. I'm not proper at all either. My speaking doesn't need to explain that." I said motioning to my clothes.

I was wearing my muddy, wet, and grass stained shirt from yesterday. And a old t-shirt- that I changed into this morning- that has grass stains on it from my falling on the ground this morning. And my messed up old straw hat that has sweat stains. Also my muddy boots.

"All you would have to do to look proper is take a shower and put deodorant on. Then get you in a dress or-" he was cut off short by me.

"Me? In a dress?" Stacy, Alana, and I laughed. You couldn't pay me to wear a dress. Only Stacy can because she comes up with some pretty scary threats. If I do its to go to a rodeo. But like I said I put up a fight.

"What's wrong with a dress?" Nicklas asked making us laugh even more.

"What's so funny?" Amy asked as she came back. She looked happy.

"Thing two over here,"laugh" thinks I would wear a dress." She looked at him like he was crazy. "Did you not here her this morning, she climbed a 40 foot tree to find some breakfast."

"And...." I said trying to keep her going. I was ready to laugh this morning was funny.

"And... she fell climbing down. She got back up laughing her head off. Then she told us there was a lake down the canyon. She slid down all the way while we took our horses. And don't get me started how she caught the fish. You should really thank her for ya'lls breakfast this morning." She said.

Blake looked at me wide eyed. "Tank you" he said with a mouth full.

"Welcome." I chuckled.

I looked over at Nicklas. His face was priceless. His mouth open in shock. I am surprised nobody heard me this morning beside the girls.

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