Moving On

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A/N:  Thanks to Jennifer for taking time away from her hols to go through this.  You're the best. :)

This picks up a couple of weeks later.  I hope you enjoy it. :)

Sang's POV

"You don't have to go."

I folded the last sweater and placed it onto the pile beside me on the bed. There was silence for a few minutes and I thought at first she was ignoring me.

"Mr Blackbourne said the same thing," she said quietly. She took the pile of sweaters and placed them into the box beside her on the floor.

"He never says anything he doesn't mean." I sat down where her clothes had been and looked at her. Her dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, her back was to me as she checked her closest one last time.

"She's... my mother." She closed the door and turned to me. Sometimes she looked a lot like her, same height, same dark hair, same eyes.

"She's being cared for," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. "Marie.. I..."

"It doesn't matter." She cut me off and turned away from me to check the dresser under the window. "She wants me there. Maybe things will be different now it's just the two of us."

Without father or me being there to remind her constantly of his betrayal. She didn't say it, but I knew that was what she was thinking.

"Maybe," I said quietly, making her turn back to me. She looked at me for a long time but said nothing.

"This room... it will be here if you change your mind," I told her. I knew that Gabriel was itching to get in here and changed things around, decorate, but until I knew she was ok I had asked him to hold off. He hadn't been happy, but he'd agreed.

"I think I've been a spare wheel for long enough," she snorted. I blushed at her words, she knew I was involved with more than one of them.

"I mean it, Marie," I told her quietly. "This is your room, if you need it."

She opened her mouth to say something and then snapped it shut again.

There was a light knocking on the door and then Sean was popping his head around.

"Miss Sorenson?" His face was gentle as he looked at Marie. "The car is here and I've just got word that your mother has left the hospital. If we leave in the next few minutes we'll arrive at Tanner's Court at the same time."

"I'll be down," she said and turned back to the dresser. He looked at me, one eyebrow rose in silent communication, asking if I was ok. I smiled at him, nodding to let him know I was fine He winked and went back out, leaving the door open.

"Marie, I know that things have not been... that great... but I meant it. You can come back anytime."

She picked up her handbag from the floor and crossed to the door. She hesitated and looked back at me.

"You've been a better sister than I have," she whispered. "I hope you're happy here, Sang."

She went out and disappeared down the stairs before I could really process what she had just said. I closed my eyes against the feelings that filled me; feelings I didn't even have a name for. A mix between regret, sadness and the realisation that things would never be the same again.

I felt the air shift, the smell of leather and cyprus surrounded me right before arms did. I sank into his hold, my head on his chest.

"Was she nasty to you?" Nathan whispered into my hair. I shook my head, lifting one hand to his shoulder.

KarmaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora