"Alex, I'm sorry I didn't insist on going with you. If you can hear me, I want you to know that I love you so much and I'll see you again one day," Jack whispered.

  I stood in the dark, tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to die. I had so many things I wanted to do. I wanted to hug my mom one more time. I wanted to feel Jack's lips against mine one more time. I wanted Alice to give me one of her death hugs one more time. I wanted to graduate. I wanted to start the band Jack and I had talked about. I wanted to sit on the pier sipping hot chocolate at Christmas with Jack. I wanted to have more movie nights with Alice. I want to spend more time with my mom. I want to live. I don't want it to end here. I don't want my last memory to be darkness. I don't want the last thing I saw before blacking out to be the smiling faces of my attackers. I want more memories. I want to dance in the rain with my loved ones and sing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs while driving to the mall with my mom. I want it all and I can't have any of it. I took all the good things I had for granted and now here I am seconds away from death.

"Alex, we love you so much. This isn't goodbye it's more of a see ya later," Alice whispered.

  I tried to scream, but no sound came out. I couldn't move. The dark was wrapping around my body, devouring me. I tried to fight it off, but that just made it stronger. I couldn't get away. The darkness was taking over my body. I heard the sound of a heart monitor fall from steady slow beeps to one long beep. I felt fresh tears fall down my face as the beasts dragged me away. There was a pain in my chest. I felt like I was being crushed. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. The long beep faded and the sound of my loved ones sobbing took its place. The tears fell faster as their sobs faded into the distance.

"ALEX!" Alice screamed.

  I looked around frantically searching for her.

"Alice!" I called out.

"You can't wear that on your first date with Jack," she said with a laugh.

"Wha..." I started, but was cut off.

"Why not? I think I look hot."

  What the fuck is happening? That's my voice, but it's not me.

"fine wear what you want. He'll probably dress like a slob too when you show up like that."

"Then he will look normal."

  I remember this conversation. It was the night Jack and I decided to be official and seal the deal with a proper date. Almost as on cue a screen appeared in front of me. On the screen was me standing outside waiting for Jack.

"You look fantastic!" Jack exclaimed as he walked out of the house.

"You look pretty fantastic yourself," I said with a stupid grin, holding my hand out which he gladly took.

  The screen quickly changed, showing Jack and I sitting at a table in a random restaurant. We were both grinning ear to ear and laughing. I reached out to the screen, wishing that I was there and not here. The picture changed when my hand made contact. It was me sitting on the pier, holding a red rose and smiling to myself. A figured came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I jumped slightly and smiled up to see Jack and his lopsided grin. I grabbed him hand and pulled him down next to me.

"Nice note by the way. Has anyone told you that you write like a child?" He asked, cocking his head to the side with a smirk.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "You're one to talk mister "I still like to write notes in crayon,"" I said while making air quotes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. So why did you want to meet here?"

"I want to tell you something and I thought this was the perfect place," I smiled and handed him the rose.

  His face lit up as a huge smile spread across his face as he took the rose. I chuckled and took his free hand in mine.

"We've been together for almost a month and I've fallen in love with you Jack."

"You love me?" He asked, shocked.

"Yes, I love you."

  He placed the rose beside him and cupped my face with both his hands. I looked into his deep brown eyes, my heart skipping a beat and butterflies filling my stomach.

"I love you too," he whispered before claiming my lips with his own.

 My heart ached as I watched the scene play on the screen. That was the best night of my life and I'm seeing it again. I was both happy and sad. I'm happy to in a way relive that memory, but sad because once the screen turns off that's it.

  The screen changed again, this time it was me and my mom standing in our kitchen. My mom was crying and hugging me. It was the day after my dad funeral. My mom looked so broken and I didn't look any better. I didn't understand why people said I was emotionless and empty until I saw the look on my face. It was empty compared to my mother's.

  The screen changed to the summer I spent at my grandmas. I was setting up a tent with my cousin in the backyard. I was eleven at the time. It was the year before my father died. We were laughing and trying to read the directions, but were unable to understand a single word. Maybe because we were too young or because making a tent in 100 degree weather isn't fun at all and it's better to fuck it up so the adults will do it. Eventually we got the tent up with the help of my dad and grandpa. We spend the rest of the day hanging out in that tent and goofing off. It was one of the best summers I had.

  The screen changed and showed Jack, Alice and I walking down the hallway at school. We were holding hand and laughing about something Alice said. We looked so happy.

  The screen changed again and again and again. I could barely see or hear what memories were flashing before my eyes. The screen disappeared into the darkness and the sound faded into silence. The shadows returned and pulled me away. I didn't bother struggling. I knew that I was moments away from death. To be honest I never really imagined the whole "life flashing before your eyes" thing was true. You wouldn't think you're happy memories would be so horrible in your last moments, but it triggers the realization that you're done and you won't see those memories or relive those moments again. Maybe in the back of my head I didn't want to believe in life flashing before my eyes because maybe I knew this is what happens.

"Alex," my dad called out.

"Dad!" I cried out.

  The shadows carried me towards my father and placed me at his feet. I looked up to see the sad look in his eyes. He helped me to my feet and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"There isn't much time Alex," he said, looking down at me.

"what do you mean?"

"Your life in the world of the living is nearing to an end. You can come with me now or try to go back."



A/N I'm back baby! I'm sorry I cut this story off for so long. To be honest I really do like this story, but someone I was close too knocked me down and I felt like this story wasn't good enough. After working on the remake, I realized I really like this story. I am going to continue the other story though because I love that one too. I would greatly appreciate it if you liked this chapter to vote and leave a little comment. I'll try to update again soon <33


Let's skip that and fall in love (Jalex)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora