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Author's POV

"Lucious get yo yella ass outta there!"Cookie screamed,as she tried to unlock the doors of their bedroom. After what seemed like years,Lucious opened the door and let Cookie in.

They were on their honeymoon in Miami. A 3 acre mansion,a swimming pool and a jacuzzi. Lucious certainly had all the finer things in life.

As soon as Cookie stepped into the bedroom,her heart stopped. Lucious had set up a little nursery for their baby. Cookie was a week pregnant and had told Lucious the minute she finished testing. And to confirm her pregnancy,they'd went to the doctor and he showed them a scan for the baby.

They told everyone they knew and soon,paparazzi had gotten hold of their location and couldn't stop snapping pictures of Hollywood's cutest couple.

"Do you like it?"Lucious asked. "Yes. I LOVE it,baby! And it's not too boyish or's perfect!"Cookie gushed. They shared a passionate kiss and Lucious rubbed her stomach.

They were happy as hell!

Anika and Hakeem figured it out. They started dating and it actually worked. But Hakeem's a dumb ass. Anika is a snitchin ass bitch,who I don't even trust. But they got their own lives. She didn't even tell him that she's carrying his baby yet. That bitch! I'mma expose her,I swear!

Jamal and Andre had lead successful lives. Rhonda and Andre were finally settling down and stop interfering with Empire business. Jamal moved on from Michael and became the most successful musician in the game.

Carol and Drake got married and had a baby. Nelitha Graham,their 1 month old baby. Carol's oldest daughter graduated and became a lawyer. The other two are sports champs at school.

Beccy got over herself and found a man besides Malcolm,to crush on. Malcolm and Tameeka took a trip to South Africa,suggested by Hakeem and had a good time.

All in all,everybody had a great life even after all the drama.

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