Chapter 7

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Once was....

*Jamal's POV*

"When will you tell your family the truth?"Enrique asks me,while making us breakfast. "I don't's just that my dad never took it well,y'know? So I'm kinda scared of history repeating itself"I explain. Truth is,I'm scared as fuck! My own father put my ass in the trash can just cos I wore heels and a scarf back then.


"Ya'll better watch yo steps,cos the mat is kinda slippery. Damn leather!"momma shouted jokingly at aunty Carol. "Yoooeeee! This mat look expensive,girl! Where ya'll get the money?"aunty Carol asks. "Girl gone! You know Lulu and Cooks are hustlers!"aunty Nikki said,while laughing.

That day was Hakeem's birthday. But since it was on a Sunday,it was also the family Sunday lunch. We always had those every second week,just so we could feel like a family and escape from the gangster life that we lived.

"Where Bunkie at?"Momma asked. "He's out with daddy"Andre said. He's always with daddy. And I'm always with my momma. Daddy calls me a sissy cos I don't wanna fight at school when the other kids take my stuff and make fun of me. It hurts. I think he hates me. He don't look at me the way he looks at Hakeem and Andre.

"Where's my little gangsta?!"he shouts while smiling. "Here!"I shouted back,grinning like a fool. But my little heart got crushed when he just stared at me like I was crazy,then walked right passed me to go and hug Andre and Hakeem. That was so painful. I thought I didn't belong in that family. I ran upstairs to momma's room and cried for 10 minutes. Momma came in and stayed on the bed.

She hugged me and cried with me. "Lucious just don't understand,baby"she said into my hair. "I give up now,momma. He doesn't love me"I said,in between sobs. "Boy,don't even think that for a second in yo life! One day you gon make us all proud and he'll regret it. He loves you,Jamal"momma said.

She gave me one last tight hug and left the room.

"Bye...I gotta go serve dinner. Get yo black ass downstairs in a few minutes,a'ight?"she said. "Ok momma"I responded.

As soon as she left,I went to the full length mirror and asked myself if I even look that great. "Nah...if only I can just improve myself. Let's try some clothes"I said to myself. I saw momma's green scarf on her bed and wrapped it around my head like she does when she's going to visit her mom. Then I took off my sneakers and put on her pink high heels. I tried walking down the stairs with them on. It was so damn difficult.

It made me realise that my life was like running a marathon with heels on. That's how hard it is for me here.

As soon as I got downstairs,everything became silent. Daddy was eating at the table,sitting sideways. He was looking at me now. His hazel but slightly greener than my eyes,started narrowing then his nose opened wider. He looked angry. He got up and ran towards me. "The fuck you think you doin,boy!....all dressed up like a lil bitch!"he shouted at me,while picking me up. I screamed and cried. "Lucious NO!"momma shouted as dad hit me.

He carried me outside to the back garden and put me in the trash can. "Lucious! What the hell are you thinking?! This is your son! You can't just throw him in the trash like that!"she said. I carried on screaming and I heard momma open the lid of the trash can and she took me out.

"You ok,'re ok"she said into my hair,while glaring at daddy.


Enrique's lips made their way to my neck and to my lips. "Take your time,baby. Just know that I really wanna show you off without hiding anything,soon. Think about it."he said. "Alright. I love you"I said,as he picks up his chef bag and heads for the door. "Love you too"he says,as he leans in to me and gives me a long,passionate kiss.

As soon as he's gone,I start doing the washing,dishes,our bed and then I text Keem. I tell him to be at my place so he can help me out with this song I'm working on.

I think I'll also tell Hakeem that I'm gay. I think he knows already but I'll mainly tell him about Enrique.

*Cookie's POV*

After going to Frankie's,the girls and I went to the mall.

But when we got out of the restaurant,Frankie pulled my arm and I kinda collided with him and he said:"Uhm...sorry. I just....I wanted to know if you enjoyed your meal?"he asks me nervously. "Yeah...Yeah I did"I say. I'm being honest,this man is a fine cook!

"So,remember our deal? It's still on,right?"he asks me. He bites his bottom pink lip. Damn! He's so sexy. His breathing is heavy. I can see his chest heaving a bit. "'s still on. Watchu wanna do?"I ask him. "I'd like to take you to a club I know"he says. I go silent for a while just to mess with him. My eyes go big a bit. I love messing with him! Haha! Ya'll shoulda seen his face!

"I mean,I'm not trying to get you drunk or anything...I just! Ok,it's fine,we could go anywhere you wanna go"he says,panicking. "Boy,chill! Let's do the club. I'm more of a party girl"I say. He lifts his hand from the back of his neck and signals for a waitress to come over to us. "Hey,Litha,please take the orders from table 7? They want refills I think"he says to her. "A'ight"she says,with an attitude while chewing gum.

"Girl,get that fuckin gum outta yo mouth! And have some respect for yo boss! He the one that pays you! Ain't nobody wanna see yo lazy ass walk round here like you don't want this job!"I shout. She looks frightened and just backs away into the trash can. Frankie and I laugh. "Damn! You sure are good at this! Maybe you should be the boss"he says. "Yeah....I got 3 boys so I know"I said.

"You've got kids?"he asks,pitching his voice on the last word a bit. "Yeah...."I say. "Bet you don't wanna go out no more"I say,awkwardly laughing. "No...I still wanna go out with you. I'm just shocked that a goddess like you has 3 kids!"he says. "Boy gone,I ain't a goddess!"I say. "Yes you are!"he says,sexily chuckling. "No I'm n-"I'm cut short,cos what I saw next stopped my heart.

"He's right,you know..."says a voice I know too well. There's a long pause then he asks: "Cookie....what are you doing here?"he asks.

"The fuck you want here? You ain't my daddy!"

"I once was....."he says,chuckling that sexy chuckle that makes me crazy!

"Get yo ass outta here! Nobody here wants you!"I say. "I'm here to have breakfast"he says. By now people have started taking pictures and the paparazzi are doing their job as if they're gonna die tomorrow.

"You know Lucious Lyon?"Frankie asks. "Yes"I say.

"He's my ex husband."

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