Chapter 3

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My 4 hunnit thousand that started this!

Lucious' POV

I was in a meeting when Becky suddenly showed up,panting. The meeting stopped and she stayed at the door. "Yes....Becky?"I question her. "Sir....Cookie's back"she says,worriedly.

People in the conference room gasp. "The fuck ya'll gasping for? She was gon get outta there EVENTUALLY!"I yell.

The muttering in the room stopped but Hakeem was the only one chuckling. That punk needs to grow!

I get up from the head of the table and tell the people to resume the meeting again tomorrow morning at the same time. Everybody's hustling to get out. I walk towards Becky. "When did she get here?"I ask her,while fixing my tie. "About five minutes ago,sir"Becky says. "Mhhh"I say,thoughtfully. Becky goes back to what she was doing and I go to my office. The door is already closed....

Yoooeee! I wonder what Cookie's doing in there. When I open the door,she's looking at the picture on my desk. I know which one it is. It's the one with Anika and I. I see the slightly hurt look on her beautiful face and smirk. So my plan worked. I put that picture there on purpose cos I knew she was gonna get out of jail today,come to Empire,come to my office and look at the pictures. I wanted to see that hurt on her face,just so I can know that she still cares for me.

"Cookie....long time no see...."I say,while her back is facing me.

Now here's a thang about Cookie. She gon act all tough but her emotions gon come out sooner or later. This picture story's gonna be discussed again,mark my damn words!


Cookie's POV

I finally decide to turn around and when I do,I'm met by his heart melting hazel eyes and pink,moist looking lips. His moustache and stubble makes him look even sexier than he was before. Looking at him without kissing or touching him is torture. Lord help me Jesus!

His skin is still the same drool worthy caramel colour that it was,when I last saw him. His hands are just as big,his fingers just as thick......Damn! I'm gettin nasty!

"After 17 still look beautiful"he says,stepping closer to my body. I scoff and walk past him. That's the most difficult thing I've done in this hour. "I ain't come here to play no games,Lucious! I want half this company cos it was my 400 000 that started this bitch!"I shout,looking directly into his eyes,which are staring right back at mine.

He chuckles. Oh god,I missed that laugh of his. It's deep,full of soul,the bass of his voice and emotions are so perfect. His nose kinda scrunches up when he laughs.

I decide to sit down on one of the couches in his office and relax. I put down my handbag and he sits opposite me. He sits with his legs open and his arms on either side of the couch. I can't help but stare at the bulge in his pants right now. It looks hard AF.

"Whatcha lookin at,Cookie monster?"he asks me,biting his lip. "Shut up,Lucious! Where my boys?"I ask him,quickly changing the subject before I make it obvious that I been checkin him out. "They ain't here,but we could have dinner at my place as a family."he suggests. "A'ight."I say,looking at the floor.

"Damn...they so grown up...Cookie. It seem like only yesterday,that we was still down in the hood,hustling to keep em in school and keep em safe"Lucious says,his eyes looking far away. He chuckles again,which sends goosebumps all over my body.

"Keem's been releasing albums and Jamal's on the same road. Our boy Andre's still book smart."he says. I look up.

"And what's wrong wit dat?"I ask him. "Nothing's WRONG with it,Cookie. I was just sayin that he's still the same. He's very successful,our Dre"Lucious says,looking proud. I'm just glad he's been taking care of them.

"So why are you here,Cookie?"he asks me. "What do you THINK,Lucious?"I demand. "You don't have be so angry,baby."he says,sitting next to me now. His right hand goes on my back,making me feel hot all over. I look into his hazel orbs and watch him smile. "I missed you,Cookie"he says,intensely looking at me. Last time I saw that look,we was about to have sex.

"Nah-uh,Lucious. I see you already got a girl."I say,getting up and fetching my purse. He looks taken aback. Usually women woulda taken that chance and kissed him. But I told myself to make him chase me. Not the other way round. Just as I'm about to open the door,fake ass Haley Berry shows up,looking around. She looks at Lucious,smiles seductively and then at me. She looks me up and down and gives me a dirty ass look. "Watchu lookin at...Boo-boo kitty?"I ask.

She just scoffs and walks right past me to Lucious. "Anika,this is Cookie...Cookie...Anika"Lucious said. "Nice to meet you,Cookie"Anika says to me,in her white accent. She holds out her hand but I just stare at it.

"Wish I could say the same to you"I say,then I walk out of the door leaving them behind. I sense their disbelief. Fuck em! I'm gon say what I wanna. Ain't nobody gon tell me different.

I'm here to get Empire and my boys. And I'mma do anything to get it.

Cos Cookie always get what she want.

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