part 8

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Zico's pov

This is not good. Junhoe is here again. That means he needs to do his job again. Im confident that he wont touch taeyeon because she looks like her past love and i know that once i saved her she could not be touch. But im still skeptical. Angels of death have their own tricks as well.

^^zico tried to look for junhoe. But he was out of luck. He could sometimes feel where he is but since he is not an angel no more he couldnt see him physically unless junhoe decided to show himself.
And when he would try to talk to seunghyun, seunghyun would just ignore him. He didnt trust zico anymore. Because of what junhoe had told him. ^^

"Zico hyung what are you thinking right now?" PO said
"Ei spill it"
"Nothing really"
"Are you thinking of taeyeon noona?"
"Just give up on it. I think she really likes seungyun-ssi"
"Just stop. I have a lot of things that i need to do. Just go back to work"
"Ahaha. Mianhae hyung. Just kidding"

Aish. This humans. Oh yeah im human now. But yeah he is right. I do like taeyeon. Ever since i saw how beautiful her heart is. I wanted her to be mine. But i cant. She loves seunghyun-ssi so much. I gave up being an angel and i might give up on my life for her but she would always choose him. I understand. But as her guardian angel i would just stay by her side protecting them. I saw how tragic it is for taeyeon when seunghyun died. I cannot let that happen again. I know saving both of them ruining time is not a good idea. But i cant help but feel sad when taeyeon cries.

^^zico keeps on looking for junhoe. He starts to calculate things. He still believe that something would happen on the first day of snow. He just doesnt know what would happen. He does not want to see taeyeon get hurt again. Thats why he is finding ways on how to keep them safe.^^

^^while walking in the park. He saw taeyeon and seunghyun together. He started to folllow them just to stop anything bad that might happen. Then suddenly he felt different. It feels like something is stopping him or blocking him. He felt weak. Then he saw junhoe walking beside seunghyun. He stayed a little farther. And started observing them. Seunghyun dropped off taeyeon. And now junhoe and seunghyun are alone and they started to talk^^

"Junhoe. I feel so bless right now. I have taeyeon with me again. And now i can also do my part on your plan."
"Yup thats great. Its a good thing that you are doing your best for taeyeon to be away from zico so we can protect her. And correct all the mistakes"

^^zico started running towards them^^

"Hyung!! Dont listen to anything he says. He is the angel of death. You would be in trouble"
"Psh. I wont believe you. No matter what you say to me. I wont. If you like taeyeon so much. If you love her. Let go of her. Let us be happy"
"I am. Thats why im doing my best to-"
"To what? Correct your mistakes. Just stop zico. Junhoe told me everything"
"Told you what? Junhoe?"
"I told him. What he needs to know." Junhoe said
"What was it? Tell me. So i can defend myself"
"You dont need to."
"Hyung dont you find it weird that he does not give you all the answers you need"

^^junhoe and seunghyun just started walking away and when he was about to follow. He couldnt move. He couldnt speak as well. He just fell down on his knees. And junhoe looked at him and just smiled.^^

^^zico couldnt do anything after that. He stayed in his place. Then junhoe showed up^^

"Junhoe. What did you say to seunghyun hyung? Why is he mad at me?"
"I just told him that you like taeyeon. Thats why you gave up being an angel to save her"
"I dont think thats the only thing you said"
"Maybe i said something more. But you dont have to know"
"Junhoe. You should not take seunghyun hyung away from him. She couldnt take it. I saw her grieve when he died before. He pleaded me to bring him back."
"And thats the reason why you broke a lot of rules. Im just correcting those mistakes"
"Junhoe. I know that you care for her. Just let her be."
"I do care. Thats why ill do my best to keep her alive. And anyways. Sooner or later they have to separate. She just needs to move on"
"Dont be like that. Dont you remember your past love everytime you see her"
"That love was a mistake. An angel of death shouldnt be doing that."
"So seunghyun would really die this year?"
"Just wait and see"

^^junhoe suddenly disappeared^^


This aint good. Seunghyun hyung wont listen to me. I need to tell this to taeyeon as soon as possible.

^^early morning on the next day. Zico immediately went to the cafe to wait for taeyeon. While waiting he heard someone singing. A voice that can make you feel good. Its like a serenading voice. For no reason he started to stand and follow the voice. It lead him to the park. And she saw a girl singing. The girl smiled at him. And he sat beside the girl. He knows who she is. He does not want to be here but he couldnt do anything. Then zico started to feel sleepy. So his eyes are getting heavy and then he just fell asleep^^

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