part 6

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"Taeyeon-ah. Thank you for accepting my apology and thank you for coming with me"
"Oppa. Mianhae about what happen yesterday."
"Ani. Im the one whose sorry. I shouldnt have meddle with your relationship with him"
"Mwo? What do you mean?"
"you are dating him right?"
"Who? Zico? Ani. He is my angel turned human. I could not possibly fall for him. I do like him as a friend though"
"You know that his an angel?"
"Of course. I saved you before. And he was the one guiding me. He helped a lot."
"Is he nice to you?"

I shouldnt tell her about what i know. So junhoe can complete his mission. We talk all night reminiscing those days. And then we also shared those dreams that we had. But i couldnt remember or feel those things that she mentioned. Its odd. She remembered  everything. She had it in her dreams. But why cant i remember dying. It's odd.

I walked her home and hugged her. Then i went back to the apartment.

"Goodjob seunghyun-ssi"
"Yah! You scared me"
"Mian. Im just happy that you guys are together again. So what are your plans now?"
"Ill just enjoy my time with her. And ill make sure that zico cant be with her. She thinks that zico is the one helping her."
"You should do your best for you guys to be away from him"
"Of course. But anyway. What are you planning to do with zico? Is he going to be an angel again?"
"I dont think you should know that. Somethings are better off to be unsaid. But one thing that i can guarantee you is. Taeyeon would be safe. So you dont need to worry so long as you are going to follow me. Ok?"
"Ok. By the way I just have another question. She mentioned that she saved me. But why couldnt i remember?"
"Zico just messed her thats why she have those stories. Dont mind those things"

I didnt ask anymore. But i know that he knows whats going in my head, but anyways just like what i told him. Ill be with taeyeon's side. Everyday.

I would always go to her cafe. We are starting to build a relationship again. This is fun but im still thinking about lots of things. It seems like everything is perfect. Too perfect maybe.

"Can we talk?"
"Talk about what?"
"Hyung  i need to talk to you"
"I dont want to talk to you. Pls zico. We are starting over here."
"I know. And im helping you out"
"I dont think so. Im not listening to you anymore. Zico. Thank you for saving taeyeon. I owe you a lot. But i know a lot that you might not know and if you would really like to help me. Just stay out of my sight"

I left zico. I dont want to have any conversation with him. He might use me to get taeyeon again. I wont let that happen.

"Oppa. Have you seen zico?"
"He said that he will just go outside"
"Oh ok."
"Taeyeon-ah can we go out for awhile."
"I talked to sawol. She would take care of the place"

She agreed on coming with me. Its spring already. A good time to hike or atleast go to the glass house.

^^seunghyun held her hands and she held back. Taeyeon is not fond of flowers but she appreciated the moment that they have. Flowers trees. Nature. The warmth of the sun but the coldness of the air as well. They never felt so alive.^^

"Taeyeon. Ill just go inside. Ill buy drinks and food. Ok?"
"Okay. Oppa."

^^after seunghyun bought everything. Taeyeon was out of sight. He felt afraid again. He started searching. He went to the garden  he started searching everywhere. And when he was inside the glasshouse. He started to loose hope again^^

"Taeyeon-ah. Eodi? This is not right. Dont leave me. Jebal.. stop playing around"

Tears started flowing again. I dont like this feeling.

"Taeyeon-ah. Eodiga?!!"

I cant stop running. Same goes with my tears. Its not stopping. Taeyeon-ah where are you.

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