SPOILERS for Death Note

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 Well he would've if a certain clown who keeps screwing up every chance he has to kill Gon didn't save him. Why, was the only thing that crossed his mind as he dove into the water after Gon. Why, was the question repeating in his mind as he swam down closer to the car. Why, echoed in Hisoka's head as he unattached the brat from his bungee gum. Why, repeated over and over in his head as he dragged the boy to the surface. Hisoka exited the water and threw Gon on the ground waiting for him to start coughing or something. Great now all his hair gel had been washed out of his hair leaving to hang attractively in his face. He looked awesome like this, but he couldn't see where the blazes he was going. So for the sake of beauty and sight he did the whole 'push my hair back slowly so I look awesome' thing. Luckily Machi was there and was totally impressed by it. Of course you don't believe that. Machi was definitely not interested in Hisoka. She had a bad history with clowns and boyfriends. You see it all started at the circus... and never mind that's a story for another day.

Machi ran over to Gon's side and after checking his pulse started giving him CPR. Hisoka was not impressed. He assumed she was going to run over to him and thank him for saving that snot nosed kid she seemed to like for some reason. A while later Gon was in a hospital room. Thanks to Machi's expert doctor skills she saved his life without Hisoka's help. Well that was the rundown Killua told him in the hospital. Sounded about right, Hisoka did hate him after all. Why would he save him? That would be weird. The Phantom Troupe all surrounded Gon and tried to piece together what just happened because they weren't paying attention apparently. Hisoka on the other hand just stood in the corner like the loner he was. He did kind of want Gon to know that he actually did help save him. On the hand he wanted Gon to know he wanted him dead and was quite willing to kill him. So adding in the story that he saved him would take away from the whole threatening tension he was trying to build between him and Gon.

Then the door slammed open and matriarch feelings filled the room. Chrollo had arrived. Chrollo embraced Gon and started sobbing like some Anime dork just saw their favorite character die. In death note. Okay guess who hasn't gotten over L's death yet? Yep it's this person. Okay uh back to the story. "Uh Chrollo..." Gon started but Chrollo shushed him. "Do you know how I felt when I got a call that you were in the hospital? I was so shocked because for a moment there I thought you were going to end up like Ging. I thought you were going to become some angsty jerk who won 't listen to his best friend and try to get revenge for a person who you have no emotional bond with!" Chrollo wailed. Gon looked around the room confused. "Except Ging never did that, but I was afraid you would do that. That would just be a really lame thing to do, and Ging was really lame so yeah. Now that I think about it I seriously had no reasonable evidence to back up those fears. So I just was just over reacting like a mother should. Except I'm not your mother..." Chrollo stared out into space for a second, but then went back to bawling.

Everyone in the room just kind of stood there awkwardly. One could seriously feel the awkward. Gon didn't stay in the hospital for very long. He heals quickly because Uvo pounded healing quickly into him. Phinks was upset about ruining his sports car. After all they went through a huge car chase to keep it safe, but it now it was at the bottom of the sea. Feitan then explained to Phinks that his sports car wasn't an actually sports car. Phinks was very angry and then he killed the salesman who sold it to him. So they spent a while hiding that body. After that they decided to have a meeting, but they no longer had the Phantom Troupe base since it was exploded. So they met at the bakery where Chrollo worked. That way they could get free muffins!

"Alright we have a problem we need to address. In fact we have needed to address this problem like a month ago, but we didn't!" Feitan started the meeting. "It just came to my awareness that someone blew up our base and we haven't gotten revenge on them yet. I mean they even killed one of our members. That's something we should probably get revenge on. For some reason, cough Gon cough, we still haven't done anything about it. If we keep acting like this we'll lose our street cred!" Feitan explained. Everyone nodded in agreement and mumbled. "Okay so we established that we need to get revenge, but we don't even know who bombed our base." Machi pointed out. Killua began to fidget in his seat. "That is true; we need to find out who we are getting revenge on." Feitan grumbled. "If I was still Troupe Leader we would have never been bombed in the first place!" Chrollo called out from the kitchen. "Well you don't have any Nen so no," Feitan shouted back.

"Uh guys I know who blew up our base..." Killua finally sighed. Everyone in the room turned their head to look at him. "It was my older brother," Killua admitted putting his head down in shame. "What... Why Killua? Why did he do it?" Gon asked. "Look I wasn't in on this at all. I hate my older brother Illumi, but he is very attached to me. He tries to control my whole life. He blew up the Phantom Troupe base because he didn't want me to join." Killua continued to refuse to make eye contact. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. "So by using you, we could lure your brother out?" Feitan concluded. Killua looked up surprised. He had expected everyone to blame him and kick him out of the Troupe, but instead they just continued on their plan of revenge. "Uh yeah kind of, but he's actually the one controlling all the Needlemen so he'll probably just use those to collect me." Killua replied. "Well that does cause a bit of a problem for us. I guess we'll have to beat up all the Needlemen to get to your brother. This time we'll just be sure not to bring Phinks' new car." Feitan smiled evilly.

"You actually want to go through with this? Wouldn't it be easier if you just kicked me out?" Killua asked. "That's true it would be much easier, but do you really think the Phantom Troupe is going to let this guy get away from this?" Machi smirked. "The Phantom Troupe didn't get its street cred from doing things the easy way." Uvo grinned. "Plus if you want leave the Phantom Troupe we'll have to kill you." Phinks beamed. Everyone stopped smiling and glared at Phinks. "What, it's true!" Phinks shrugged. Gon stayed silent. Ging died because of Killua's brother. He almost wanted to put the blame on Killua, but he could tell Killua had already done so. "Killua it's okay. This isn't your fault." Gon smiled at Killua. The white hair boy looked up surprised. Gon put his hand on his shoulder. Killua knew that if anyone shouldn't forgive him it was Gon, but Gon accepted him with open arms.

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